Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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In large river catchments or in the case of large-scale flooding 
meteorological satellites alone can provide useful information, 
provided the cloud cover is not significant or not stagnate. 
NOAA AVHRR images are widely used for meteorological 
purposes and for different analysis over sea and ocean, but its 
use over land surface is strongly limited by its sparse spatial 
resolution of 1.1 km at nadir. Hien (1988) describes an approach 
for utilizing AVHRR data for flood monitoring. In this method 
four channels of the AVHRR sensor are used to differentiate 
between water bodies and land, to classify the cloud cover and 
to eliminate the effects of some types of clouds. A method 
applied widely uses the ratio of Channel 1 (visible) and Channel 
2 (near-infrared) to distinguish between water and land. This 
evaluation is based on the differences of the albedo of water and 
land surface in the two channels. In the visible channel, water 
has higher albedo than land, while in the near-infrared channel, 
land has higher albedo than water. The ratio of CH2/CH1 thus 
can be used to enhance the results of the water-land 
classification from AVHRR images. The effect of cloud cover 
can be reduced by using the split-window channels of the sensor. 
When cloud contamination is not serious (thin clouds), some of 
the cloud influence, including shadows of the clouds, can be 
removed. A precise DEM and/or detailed topographic maps are 
needed to make reliable estimates on water bodies from the 
AVHRR image. High-resolution optical images (Landsat, SPOT, 
etc.) can help in gathering other information like land use 
classification. This method is presently being tested in a study 
area of Thailand and the Mekong River delta. The validation is 
planned on detecting different water bodies on the AVHRR 
image, including lakes, reservoirs, the coastal line and flooded 
rivers. Images are supplied through the receiving station at the 
Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand, which 
started its operation in October 1997. The first step of validation 
process is to correlate the results of the classification process for 
water body detection with known parameters, such as the area 
of lakes and reservoirs, and the coastal line of Thailand. Further 
steps in the application to be carried out are (a) to combine the 
results with active microwave images and make a comparison 
of classification during the yearly flooding and (b) to couple the 
data derived from the analysis with hydrological models used 
for flood simulation in Thailand. 
Flood monitoring is an essential tool for planning of emergency 
relief and repairs to communication, transportation and other 
services and for the production of river flood risk maps for 
future reference. Flood monitoring and the detection of water 
bodies are important also for coupling the data to hydrological 
models of flow routing and flood forecasting on a catchment 
scale. By their nature, most floods occur in bad weather 
conditions, which can severely restrict the use of aircraft, and 
extensive cloud cover precludes the use of most earth observing 
satellites, which rely on operating at optical wavelength. The 
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can penetrate clouds and 
darkness, and therefore is an promising tool for flood mapping. 
In this paper, the multisensor approach of remote sensing — the 
analysis of images obtained by different sensors — in case of 
flood assessment is discussed. In large areas of the Earth, aerial 
photography is unavailable, and in situ measurements do not 
supply enough data for mapping applications. In these cases, 
satellite remote sensing can partly solve the problem, helping to 
collect information on the inundated areas over large regions. 
The initial conditions, mapped with high-resolution images of 
optical sensors (Landsat, SPOT, etc) and the data from 
meteorological, optical or radar images taken during the 
flooding can be analyzed in a suitable computer software 
system, often combined with a GIS. Four main characteristics of 
satellite imagery that highly influence the application of 
satellite-based remote sensing for flood monitoring are: (1) 
spatial resolution (or pixel size) of the image, (2) return period 
of the satellite, (3) availability of images and (4) costs of the 
data. Further characteristics of importance are wavelength, view 
angle and polarization (microwave systems) of sensors. 
Different analysis show that the inundated areas are usually 
underestimated, mainly because of insufficient image-resolution, 
but proper comparisons are difficult to make, because ground 
truth measurements are often missing. As a cost-efficient 
approach further research on utilizing meteorological satellites 
for inundation mapping, such as that discussed in the paper is 
urgently needed. 
Satellite remote sensing is widely used in some fields, like 
meteorology, but the problem of operative application in flood 
monitoring is yet to be solved. However, with the advent of the 
planned satellites that can cover the Earth more frequently and 
sensors designed directly to measure hydrological parameters, 
space technology may be used for flood monitoring with a 
higher accuracy around the globe in the future. 
Biggin, D.S.; Blyth, K. (1996). A comparison of ERS-1 satellite 
radar and aerial photography for river flood mapping. Journal of 
Water and Environmental Management, 1996, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 
Boni, G.; Conti, M.; Dietrich, S.; Lanza, L.; Marzano, F.S.; 
Mugnai, A.; Panegrossi, G.; Siccardi, F. (1996). Multisensor 
observations during the flood event of 4-6 November, 1994 over 
Northern Italy. Remote Sensing Reviews, 1996, vol. 14, pp. 91- 
Engman, E.T. (1996). Remote sensing applications to 
hydrology: future impact. Hydrological Sciences, 41 (4) August 
1996, pp. 637-647 
Giacomelli, A.; Mancini, M.; Rosso, R. (1995). Assessment of 
flooded areas from ERS-1 PRI data: an application to the 1994 
flood in Northern Italy. Phys. Chem. Earth, 1995, vol. 20, no. 5- 
6, pp. 469-474 
Hien, HM. (1998). Use of NOAA/AVHRR data for flood 
disaster monitoring in the Mekong river delta, southern Vietnam. 
Proc. International Symp. on Information Technology Tools for 
Natural Disaster Risk Management, INCEDE, University of 
Tokyo, March 1998, pp. 2-2-1 to 2-2-9 
Imhoff, M.L.; McCandless, S.W. (1988). Flood boundary 
delineation through clouds and vegetation using L-band space- 
borne radar: a potential new tool for disease vector programs. 
Acta Astronautica, 1988, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1003-1007 
Planet, W.G. (editor) (1988). Data extraction and calibration of 
TIROS-N/NOAA radiometers. NOAA Technical Memorandum 
NESS 107 — Rev. 1, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1988 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 783 
X a 

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