Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Haziness vs. Greennes based on Abstract TC Corrected Greenness vs. Brightness based on Abstract TC 
| 0.10 — 0.8 4 
| 1 | Percent cover 
| á Soil moisture 
3 100 … 7 0000 SU 1 
0.09 1 2 ooooo 2 
1 a^ 7 75 TT aid 
1 ea o 0.6 d +++++ 5 
—Ó 0.08 H * 04 : 8 1 
7 , 9, LI 1 50 » o8 ,8 .$,* 
j d o 8 4 
0.07 — w^. ex 
£ x Soa 
na d a 5 5M ES 100 
0.06 | a XR | = . E a à + 
e 8 | 1 
3 3 a | 1 
0.05 4 i4 à ] 
N i Us S 50 | 0.2 
| 0.04 = : = 1 
Percent cover 0 E 1 |& 
Z 2 
E 3 ] s * w 4 8 + |f 
| -0.05  -0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 204, 7-02. 00 0.2 04 (Q6 Ud 10 12 14 
300 | G Br 
| ZA l 
Figure 3 Results of model calculations: Haziness versus Figure 5 Results of model calculations: Corrected Greenness 
Greenness for different soil moisture contents, percent covers versus Brightness for different soil moisture contents, percent 
for 218 and visibilities based on Abstract Tasseled Cap. covers and visibilities based on Abstract Tasseled Cap. 
SS data 
ta were 
= 1 Corrected Haziness vs. Greenness based on Abstract TC 
a UE TNT E Ep dg quM | 
= | Soil moist. Percent cover \ isibility | 
osa |"! 1-0 5 1.00 3 Soil moisture ; ; + 
i ] 1 50 A > : ) 5. ü 8 
c | ss | 100 
as : 1 s 0 
1 8&3 750 0.80 
x 1 22222 3^ TUO 
) BGT ge eee a 9 
= | ere c d 0.60 
t Wu aden » —[00 
= E : : iii. 
MV. T = — d 10 
s 1 8 : : à 4 
jo 15 0.20 1 i i à 
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1 25:2. . E $ E. f í 
"022 - 3e » A 0:00 : s | 
L | d: 4} g : | 
Lo ox dii. A! # 0203 | 
= i 0 Percent. cover 25 50 75 100. {5 
4 d : 3 
| 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 — 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.00 010 020 030 040 050 0.60 0.70 0.80 
2 | Hn Gn 
Ë | 
z | : : ; : . 
Ji Figure 4 Results of model calculation: 6,5; Versus ATC Figure 6 Results of model calculations: Corrected Haziness 
m | . . . . ES . . 
Haziness for different soil moisture contents, percent covers and versus Greenness for different soil moisture contents, percent 
visibilities. covers and visibilities based on Abstract Tasseled Cap. 
overs | 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7. Budapest, 1998 791 

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