Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

= Greennes vs. Visibility based on Abstract TC 
^10 0.8 4 
Percent. cover 
uv 1 Soil most. Percenl cover Visibility : j°000020000 2 9 . 100 
V 3 sed] Q0 
0.8; sumat I “50 5 ie 000002000008 e e e. 75 
€ i s22225 7 TOO ec 0.6 
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p 0.2 - 3 Mm am : - | 
T á AL AE s 1 | 
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Be 1 & 1.000000000 8 e a g i 
«0471-02 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.6 1.0 i 0 50 100 150 200 250 
3 Li c vl: : - 
Hn Visibility (km) 
Figure 7 Results of model calculation: Corrected 5,4, versus Figure 9 Result of model calculation: Greenness versus 
ATC Haziness for different soil moisture contents, percent visibility for different soil moisture contents and percent covers 
covers and visibilities. based on Abstract Tasselled Cap. 
Greennes vs. Visibility based on Standard TC 
0.5 4 } 
j | 
j Percent caver | 
0.4 À | 
1 000000 . . . tes ! 
3 s. i 
s. i 
0.3 Je 40000888 0 à 8 75 | 
j 4 { 
3 | 
0.2 j' 5 i i 3 50 | 
AU jani i | 
MT 1 | 
di. $8555 3 0 9 25 | 
0.1 j iini $ i i | 
0.0 33000886080 ; ; $ % | 
j Soil moisture | 
3 n 1 | 
4 acauo 2 | 
-0.1 j a2a44 d | 
3 *2228. la 
j e § 5 
-0.2 + TTT rrr rr fry rrr rrr EET TY T FAT KT T PTT TTT 
0 50 100 150 200 250 
Visibility (km) 
Figure 8 Result of model calculation: Greenness versus 
visibility for different soil moisture contents and percent covers 
based on standard Tasselled Cap. 
792 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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