Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

without a polygon line hardly to see in 
fig. 4. It clearly shows the interrelation 
between high surface temperatures and low 
net radiation. Industrial sites have net 
radiation values around 500 W/m“, urban 
and agricultural areas have similar condi- 
tions with values around 600 W/m“, the 
cool surfaces of forests and water sur- 
faces show maximum values in the range of 
625 to nearly 700 W/m’. These features can 
be derived from all cities or urban areas 
in the investigation area of the REKLIP 
project (Parlow, 
1996a; Parlow, 1998). 
Figure 4: Surface temperature (left) and net radiation (right) of Basle computed from 
Landsat-TM, July 7°" 1984. 
It seems to become important in the future 
to take satellite data not only as images 
and pictures of grey values, as it is of- 
ten done, but to go more into detail of 
the physical processes which are directly 
influencing the visible information. Mis- 
interpretations and an incompetent analy- 
sis of data, especially when they are used 
for applications, will not promote future 
usage and potentials of remote sensing 
techniques. Modern and easy to handle 
software products and the unproblematic 
availability of data imply the danger of 
increasing quick-and-dirty products. The 
remote sensing community must be well 
aware of these circumstances and must try 
to avoid that remote sensing suffers not 
too much damage. 
Parlow, E. 1996. The regional climate pro- 
ject REKLIP - an overview. Theoretical and 
Applied Climatology, Vol. 53 (1-3), pp. 3- 
Parlow, E. 1996a. Net Radiation in the 
REKLIP-Area - A Spatial Approach Using sa- 
tellite data. In Parlow, E. (ed.): Pro- 
gress in Environmental Remote Sensing Re- 
search and Applications, Balkema Publish- 
ers, Rotterdam. 
Parlow, E. 1998. Analyse von Stadtklima 
mit Methoden der Fernerkundung. Geographi- 
sche Rundschau 50, H. 2, pp. 89-93. 
REKLIP 1995. Klimaatlas Oberrhein Mitte- 
Süd. Offenbach-Zürich-Strasbourg. 
Parlow, E., D. Scherer, H.-D. Beha, H. 
GofBmann & M. Braun 1996. Urban Climatolo- 
gical parameters derived from multisensor 
satellite data of ERS-1 and Landsat-TM. 
European Space Agency, ESA-SP 383, pp. 173 
- 178. 
Parlow, E., D. Scherer, U. Fehrenbach, H.- 
D. Beha 1997. Satellite-Based Climate Ana- 
lysis of  Basel/Switzerland. Proceedings 
ERS-Symposium Florence 1997, ESA SP-414, 
Vol. I, pp. 271-274. 
Scherer, D., E. Parlow & H.-D. Beha 1996. 
Roughness parameter derivation from ERS-1 
and Landsat-TM satellite data for the ag- 
glomeration of Basel/Switzerland. In: Par- 
low, E.(ed.): Progress in Environmental 
Remote Sensing Research and Applications, 
pp. 325-330, Balkema Publishers, Rotter- 

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