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z(xi) 2 Pixel value pixel i, i e (1,..,6)
2(Xi+n) = Pixel value pixel i + h
h = distance
y, = semivariance at distance h
= number of pixel pairs
b (z(xi) - Z(Xi+n))
ya x3 (z(x; )— 2x, )
Figure 1. Determination of a variogram for the row of six pixels. For every distance h all pixel pairs are determined and the
difference is entered in the formula to calculate the semivariance y, . Through these values the variogram is fitted, which results in
the three characteristics sill, range and nugget.
taken into account. The range indicates the maximum distance
of spatial dependency; when points are further apart their values
cannot be used to predict each other with a higher probability
than predictions based on the overall variance.
Woodcock et al. (1988a) determined variograms for artificial
images to investigate how they are influenced by ground
objects. The images consisted of a homogenous background and
objects placed on it, and for different images the number and
size of the objects varied, so they could study the response of
variograms to different situations. They concluded that the sill
is influenced by the density of the objects, while the range
depends on their diameter. Furthermore variations in size
distribution result in different shapes of the variogram close to
the range.
The next step was to determine variograms for real images and
to interpret them using the results obtained from the artificial
images (Woodcock et al., 1988b). Their findings from the first
phase remained valid; density of objects influences the sill, and
the size of objects and the variance in their size distribution
affect the range and the shape of the variogram.
2.2 Crop growth models
Environmental impact from agriculture increased because
agricultural intensity increased. Since the aim of agriculture is
the production of food, the aim of increasing the intensity is to
raise yields. The actual yield thus contains information on
agricultural intensity and environmental impact.
Three theoretical yield levels can be distinguished. The
potential yield is the maximum yield and it can only be obtained
under ideal circumstances. In practice it will never be reached
because of limiting and reducing factors. Limiting factors are
water and nutrients stress and they can be combated by
fertilisation and drainage or irrigation. Examples of reducing
factors are pests and plagues which are combated by pesticides.
When no limiting factors are eliminated, but all reducing factors
are, the limited yield will be obtained. When neither limiting
nor reducing factors are eliminated, the reduced yield will be
obtained. The actual yield will lie somewhere between the
reduced and the potential yield.
Values of theoretical yields can be calculated by crop growth
simulation models. When data on limiting and reducing factors
are available they can also estimate actual yields whose values
are available through statistics as well. An example of a crop
growth model is WOFOST (Hijmans et al, 1994), which
simulates on the basis of eco-physiological processes. It uses
soil, weather and crop characteristics as input and produces
biomass weight as output, which can be converted into yield.
The model has been applied to extensive areas (Hooijer and
Wal, 1994).
The aim of the method (figure 2) is to give an up-to-date
overview of locations where the overall environmental impact
of agriculture changed and to indicate whether the situation.
improved or deteriorated. In the current situation the state of the
environment or the assumed environmental impact is
determined and afterwards changes are located. In the proposed
method this process is split into two steps: first regions where
changes occurred are identified and second the overall
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 65