Figure 3b The same image as in figure 3a, but overlaid with administrative units
environmental indicators and provides standardised information
for the total extent of the area included.
The two-step procedure offers the advantages of quickly
providing an overview of changed regions and of limiting the
time needed for change identification by excluding unchanged
Spatial units used should be related to the process studied,
otherwise change interpretation is hampered. When the unit is
heterogeneous from a process point of view, observations can
be ambiguous.
The change detection procedure is easy to apply. It could be
used in other applications as well, as long as the spatial units are
related to the process studied.
The yield indicator is the most time consuming part of the
method, because actual weather data and actual yield data need
to be collected. When future developments provide accurate
crop-specific biomass estimations from remote sensing images,
this will be partially solved.
Validation of the method has not been finished yet, so it is still
unknown whether this promising method indeed can live up to
the expectations.
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The Netherlands (RIVM). NOAA-AVHRR image are provided
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68 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998
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