Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

T2 T1 
60 + 
50 4 
E Q1 
9 40 4 
3 Q2 
E = 
20 T T1-dark up to dark brown quartzitic Tertiary Bitterfeldian micaceous sands 
T2-light brown Tertiary Bitterfeldian micaceous sand 
K1-black-brown, upper Oligocene up to lower Miocene lignite 
Q1-yellow up to yellow brown sands and gravel deposits of the Weichsel Glacial Periodical lower 
10 4 terrace 
e Q2-brown ground moraine of the Ice Age Saale (glacial till) 
Q3-grey ground moraine of the ice Age Elster (glacial till) 
0 + + + + + + + + + 
500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 
Wavelength [nm] 
Figure 2: Homogenious inital materials for mixing experiment 
| Mixture Q1 / 30% K1 | 
45 T Mixture Q1 / 20% K1 | 
| Mixture Q1 / 10% K1 
40 7 Er 
| A -— NN 
| Qt KS 
35 + A 
— = + 
£ 30 : 1 
2 | 
i. | 
E 257 | 
g A | 
3 Vo 
® | 
15 1 | 
K1 K1-black-brown, upper Oligocene up to lower Miocene lignite | 
10 1 Q1-yellow up to yellow brown sands and gravel deposits of the | 
} Waeichsel Glacial Periodical lower terrace | 
| | 
| | 
500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 
Wavelength [nm] 
LR onan ran nt Wa tj AO CANON 
Figure 3: Mixture curves of quarternary material Q1 and lignite K1 
70 4 om - eie CE AA 
| | 
60 t 
50 + 
3 40 + 
i 30 4 
20 4 T1-dark up to dark brown quarizitic Tertiary 
Bitterfeldian micaceous sands 
T2-light brown Tertiary Bitterfeldian micaceous sand 
10 4 T1 40% / K1-black-brown, upper Oligocene up to lower 
T2e0* Miocene lignite 
> T120% T280% 
0 + + + + + + + + + 
500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 
Wavelength [nm] 
17*h Ma, 10907 
C AGI.Hata fenatial.manro! 
Figure 4: Mixture curves of two tertinary materials Tl and T2 
76 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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