In this formula NS designates summation on all pixels
of the template, N - total number of pixels belonging to
the template, g - average intensity of the right patch.
The correspondence problem can be formulated as
follows: to find
p* = arg max k(p) (4)
To take into account the patch shape distortion it is
offered in [2] to use affine transformation of a kind (5).
X, =a, + a,x + a,y (5)
y, = b, + b,x+ by
For the solving of a problem (4) it is necessary to find a
vector of parameters (ay,a2,a3,b1,b2, b3)" :
Suppose that an initial approximation of the parameter
vector - (a* 1,0,b* 0,1)" is known after first step of
conventional cross-correlation. Let us denote g*(x,y)
intensity distribution on the right image patch which
position is set by an initial vector of parameters. Let us
denote g*, g, - partial derivatives of g*(x, y).
Consider linearization of unknown function g(x1,y:) with
respect to g'(x,y) taking into account parameters of
transformation (5).
go, y) eg Ap (6)
857 E PVP ade i ire
AP" = [1° Aa, |a, Any Abe Abe AB] -
vector of the transformation (2) parameter amendments.
After substitution (6) in (3)
>. App
k(Ap) = cx ; e
dá (2, £^)" (V Ap'gg'Ap - NAp'ggAp)"?
(x.y) (x.y)
After equivalent transformations
k'(Ap) = (k(Ap)) Y. /? (8)
(4) looks
Ap” (QD. fg) 9, fg )^p ;
k'(Ap) = (53) (x) . Ap AAp ()
Ap'(?,gg' - Ngg')Ap Ap'BAp
ARI singular matrix of dimensions 7x7. Note that
rank of A is equal to one,
r= > fer - vector of dimension 7,
B= > gg’ ~ Nga’ - matrix of dimensions 767.
The matrix B - symmetric and positively determined. The
latter follows due to the denominator of the formula (9) is
a value proportional to intensity dispersion of the right
image patch. For real images a matrix B is supposed to
be non-singular (determinant of B is not equal to Zero).
Thus (4) is reduced to a problem (10) which is equivalent
to the generalized eigenvalues problem (11).
Fm 0
AxzABx (11)
The following statement was proved in [1].
Consider any vector a of dimension n and symmetric,
positively defined and non-singular matrix B of
dimensions n x n. Then for solutions of a generalized
eigenvalues problem (11) where
A=aa" (12)
the following statements are valid:
1) There are two generalized eigenvalues: 1,=0 of n-1
fold and 4250 of 1 fold;
2) Generalized eigenvector corresponding to 4; is given
by the formula
x= B'a (13)
3) Az-a x, wl
the problem (
The effective
probem (
Consider the
original imac
images (for €
is a result of
The develo
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that the resu
Fig.1 a Desi
with prelimin
Let us desig
The model u
shown on |
distortions o
and the thre
region x; we