Table 2
Table 3 i
. [825.9164
eral lines)
d here. We
arameters in
] calibration
>thod, and a
he points as
bration. The
t lines and
ind rotation
iny iteration
eal image.
D industrial
"AD system
Of computer
1989, 1990,
mbine CSG
ch complex
and scale).
le operators
(rotation, scale transformation and transfer). This kind of
representation can be illustrated by binary tree, whose leaves
represent various primitives and whose nodes represent Boolean
operator (Fig. 8). dius, 9
This representation for primitives is concise, integrate and
distinct. But its topologic relation is not clearly described. B-rep
has a good effect in representing topologic relation of a complex
object. In B-Pre, every object consists of finite surfaces, and
every surface is enclosed by finite boundaries. Therefore, this
representation is divided into volume, face, loops, edge and
vertex. B-pre can also deposit geometric information and
topology information in detail.
The geometric information, which indicates geometric
characters of the point, line (curve) and face. For example,
surface, such as sphere surface, is represented into
xz Rcos(0)sin(p), y = Rsin(0)sin(p), z 7» Rsin(0). The
topologic information, which describes quantity, type and
relation of the vertex, edge and face. Its purpose is to guarantee
the object yielded is unique and legal.
C 2IPtop
LProrward LP backward
CAS LP bottom
Ej Edge 4
E e cua es
Vp oMáÁN2 Edge 2
Fig. 9. Object representation with combination B-pre and CSG.
Our reconstruction method is based on this assumption that
each industrial object is constructed by Boolean set operators of
primitives, and each surface is described by B-pre. These line,
curves, planar and curved surfaces in 3D space are described by
parametric equations (Fig. 9).
In the following analysis it is assumed that the extraction and
location of features in image space have already been
accomplished and the correspondences between these features
are established.
B) Mathematical model of reconstruction
In GEMS, an object is constructed by four coordination system
transformations (Fig. 10). Assuming that T' is a linear feature in
Scene (Fig. 11), and geometric elements (information) of this
feature are expressed into
X = X(5) A
Y = Y(5)
Z = Z(5)
Where $ denotes the parameters to describe primitive including
position parameters and geometric parameters. We also assume
that linear features £, £/ in the left and right image plan are
perspective projection of the spatial linear feature T', and an
arbitrary point p in the linear feature / is measured (Fig. 11),
the collinearity equation can be formulated by the ray line pP .
rg ua a (Xp — X3) +b,(lp = Ys) + (Zp = Zs) (i)
a,(Xp — Xg) +b, (Vp = Ys) +e, (Zp — Zs)
_ A7 (Xp — Xs) +b, (¥p = Ys) + C2(Zp — Zs)
ay (Xp — Xs) + by,(Yp = Ys) + c3(Zp — Zs)
In addition, the point P still meets the parametric equation
describing the industrial object. i.e.
Y, Ge F (17b)
X, = XG)
Y, - Y(3) de
Where a;, bj, c;, i — 1, 2, 3 are components of the rotation
matrix for left image, X 91$, 2, ^ aie coordinates of the
perspective center of the image sensor, f denotes a constant of
the image sensor, Xp: 3p denote the coordinates of the
point p in image plane, X ,,Y,,Zj denote the coordinates of
the point P.
Fig. 8. CSG modeling. Fig. 10. Object and coordination system.
The mathematical model of reconstruction using line
photogrammetry is formed by substituting the parametric
equation (18) into the collinearity equation (17). We have
o UU 7 Xs) t S, - Ys) + (Ze, 7 Zs)
3p 7 XE 19a
P as(X psy = Xs) + b;(Yp (3 - Ys) * e(Zp(sy 22 % )
y, -%=-f aX psy = Xs) + Balers — Vs) + Ca (Z ms) — Zs) (19b)
P o a; (X ys - Xs) + b3(Yy 3 = Ys) + C3(Zpcö) = 25)
If an arbitrary point. p^ (non-correspondence with the point p)
in feature ¢’ is observed, the scene point P^ corresponds to the
point P” . The similar equation is formed.
LAC gy 7 X8) * bre (s, - YD * eZ 5) - 25)
tpe aU XD PR TO * er - ZO
nS ; ay(X ps) - X$) +b3(Yp. 5, -Yg)-* ca (Z pus) — Zs)
aX pg, - X) * P3 p s, - Y + C3(Z pugs, - 25)
Where aj, bj, c;, i = 1, 2, 3, X5,Y{,Zg, f'+ Xp» Yp
for right image are similar parameters to left image. p
corresponds to scene point P".
Fig. 11. Configure of LP reconstruction. Fig. 12. Straight line feature.