B.1) Straight line feature
The analytic equation for straight line can be expressed into
P=C+d-t (21)
Where P indicates an arbitrary observed point in straight line,
C 2 (Xc, Ye, Zc) denotes a fixed point, f is a parameter.
Assuming that the point @ and b in the left and right image
planes are observed (4 and b are non-correspondence points).
The observation equation can be obtained.
left image:
2a (Xc tat = X5) +hQOc +O- -Y) +g +a-t, —Z5)
A a E PS Koh C ADR ci) tela ra)
LA (Xc t0 tj 7 Xs) tbc xa t 7 Y) co (Ze +A- 1 —Z5)
x a(Xc+a-t -X) +50 +A- 1 - Y) ce (Zc att — Z3)
right image:
—À aj(Xc * «t; - X9) c bj(Yc a: - Ys) c eq(Zc * a0, — Z5)
as(Xc * &-15 - XS) c b3(Yc c a0 — Ys) + c3(Zc * a-t, — Zs)
d 2o A Xc £a:5 - X9) e bfc a0 - Y9) t (Zc vat - Z3)
Yo Jo, e f
a(Xc * a: t) - XS) -b(Yc at) -Y9) e e(Zc at, —Z5)
Six fixative unknown parameters (Xo. Yo Zoo, B,v) and an
additional unknown £ or £^ can be determinate by the equations
22 and 23 for any a point. To the problem, the condition unequal
N + N’ > 6 is met for two images; unique solution can be
B.3) Conic Curve feature
The conic curves indicate ones like circle, hyperbola and
ellipse, as well as the perspective projection of the regular
surfaces like sphere and spheroid. Let us take a sphere as an
example to construct the mathematical model.
Assuming that the model coordination system (describing
sphere) is coincided with the spherical coordination system. An
arbitrary measured point M in the left image is a respective
projection of the point M in spherical surface. The collinearity
equations can be formed by ray linemM . Moreover, the
point M still meets the equation.
x = Rsin(p)cos(6)
y R sin(g) sin(0)
z = Rcos(@)
Thus, we have (for the left image)
ay(R sing) cox6) — Xs) +4(R sing) sin(6) — Xs) + (Roos) — Zs)
az(R sing) cos(6) — Xs) +b3(R sin(g) si(8) — Ys) + cz(Roos(g) — Zs)
Sn = Ya 7f axR sino) cos(8) — Xs) pino in) = Ys) + (Roose) - Zs)
a3(R sin(p) c0s(0) — Xs) * b(R sin(o) sin(O) — Y5) + c3(R cos(p) — Zs)
Where R is a radius, ¢,0 are the elevation and azimuth
respectively. If another point € is observed, and the point E on
the spherical surface corresponds to the point €, and the
point M and the point E locate in the same hemisphere, the
angle (0 is invariable, and the angle © is variable when the
measured point is changed. If the point h is measured in the
right image plan, the angles ,9 differ from the point 772, we
have equation.
sog, cop AiRsiny) cox0,) — X5) + BR sin.) sin(8,) — Ya) * (cosy) - Z5)
^ 07^ 7 ayRsiXo,) cos8,) — X5) b(Rsig,) siX8,) — Y5) + ,(R costp,) - Z;)
Ws , aX (Rsir(o,,) oo(0,) — Xs) * b(Rsir(o,) si(8,) - Ys) * c; (Roo9,) - Z5)
"ro as(Rsir(9,) co(,) — XS) * b(Rsi(o,) si(8,) — Y5) + c,(R cop, ) - Zs)
In order to obtain a unique solution by LSM, the unequal
condition 2(N + N’)>(N + N’+ 3) must be formatted.
X473, 7f
Where N and NN ' denote the amount of the observed points in
the left and right image planes.
Fig. 13. Conic curve feature. Fig. 14. Intersection curve feature.
B.2) Intersection curve feature
Another kind of important linear feature is intersection curve,
Let us take a plane intersecting with a cylinder as an example to
derive the mathematical model. We also get
a, (Xy — X5) +b (Yy = Ys) +c (Zy — Zs) (30a)
a (Xy - XS) eb (Yg -Y,) t e (Zu = Zs)
ay(Xy — Xs5) + ban — Y5s) + c2(Zn - Zs) (30b)
Xp X, T
Yi =; Bf a4(X, — Xs)+b3(Yıy — Ys) + C3(Zyy - Zg)
xy = Rcos(0)
YH = R sin(0) Gn
Zu = A'Rcos(0) + B’R sin(0) + D’
Where: A,B,C are components of the normal vectors of the
plane; D is a constant; R is a radius of cylinder, Ó indicate a
parameter, A’ = A/C, B’ = B/C, D’= D/C. In the same way,
we can obtain equation for the point Ww (non-corresponding to
point h ) in the right image.
No matter many points are measured on the intersection linear
feature in the left or right images, only one unknown 0 is
added. Thus if the unequal condition (N + N°) > 4 is met, the
unique solution can be obtained by LSM.
We here only discussed the mathematical models for straight
line, intersection curve, and sphere. Others such as spheroid,
parabola, hyperbola and sweeping can similarly be processed.
These detail discusses can be located in [Zhou 1994].
C) Experiments
Simulation: The simulated images are generated by back-
projection. The camera parameters including interior parameters
and exterior parameters are designed. The industrial objects are
constructed by combining CSG and B-pre with GEMS data
structure. The size of all simulated images without any noise
are 200 x 200 pixels, with a pixel size of 50 um. In simulation,
we divide experiments into four groups. The first group is to
reconstruct cube using straight line. The second group is to
reconstruct regular solid using conic curves. The third group is
to reconstruct intersected objects by two primitives using
intersection edges. The fourth group is to reconstruct complex
objects by comprehensive usage of straight lines, conic curves,
intersection curves.
(1) The geometric elements for the cube (length, width, and
height) are shown in table 4. Figures 15a, 15b are a stereo pair,
and figure 15c is its 3D reconstruction drawing.
(2) The geometric elements (radius, height, semi-major axis,
semi-medium axis, semi-minor axis) for sphere, cylinder,
spheroid are shown in table 5, table 6, table 7. Figures 16a, 16b,
17a, 17b, 18a, 18b are the stereo pairs for sphere, cylinder, and
spheroid. Figure l6c, 17c, 18c are their 3D reconstructions.
(3) The geometric elements (radius, height, other parameter)
for intersection of a plane and a cylinder, a sphere and a sphere
as well as a cylinder and a cylinder are shown in table 8, table 9,
table 10. Figu
pairs. Figure:
(4) The gec
of the comple
are a stereo pa
Length (mm)
T. V. JC. V:
1000.0 | 999.9
Table 5 (sphere)
[Radius (mm)
TV. IC. V.
800.0 | 799.9:
Table 7 (Sphero
Semi major axis
1200.0 | 1200.
Table 8 (interse
T. V. T C. V.
800.0 | 800.01
Table 9 (interse«
Big sphere radii
TM ass] e. V.
800.0 | 799.9:
- Table 10 (inter:
Big cylinder rad
TV C. \
600.00 — | 600
Table 11 (a com
Primitive | Par:
Name Nar
| len;
Cube | wid
| Up i
of cone | trar
(Hole) | trar
Cylinder | par
(Continue table