lower left corner and the upper right corner of the
image to fit it on the model. So the database has to
store these data as well in an image dataset. In this
coherence a tool to apply a coordinate offset is also
Last but not least there has to be a possibility to
transfer data from the image database to other
applications especially to AutoCAD and to import data
to the image database for example from the
Rolleimetric CDW program.
3.1 Tables & Datasets
The structure of the image database follows the
concept of relational databases. Before we discuss
the structure of the image database in detail we have
to define what a relational database is.
In common a database is an amount of logical bound
up datasets. A dataset represents a real occurence
and the special features of it. A relational database
includes all the logical bounded datasets in a table.
The rows of the table define the datasets. The
columns represents the features of the dataset. Every
dataset has an individual attribute (feature), so that it
is unique. Thus you can easily find and select a
dataset from the table. The unique feature is called
"primary key". The dependencies between rows,
columns, datasets and attributes are illustrated in
figure 3.
Mp] ID —
Figure 3
Img ID
Img No.
Img Res
Img file
3.2 References & Relations
In the image database we have to store different
types of datasets. As discussed before we have to
represent the hierarchical structure of
photogrammetric projects. We did this by defining two
tables one for the so called "Masterproject" the other
for the "subproject". The Masterproject table and the
subproject table are very similar. Both tables contains
datasets which specify the project by a title, a date
and comment. As seen before a subproject is part of
a Masterproject. So there is a dependency between
the two tables. The relationship is a 1:n - relation. This
means one dataset in the Master-project table may
have n corresponding datasets in the subproject table.
The subprojects are build up by the images which
belongs to one special subproject. So the we defined
a "Image-table" which has also a 1:n - relation to the
subproject table.
Beside the camera standpoint coordinates we have to
store the image coordinates and further informations
to the image itself. Information on the images are
stored in the above explained "Image-table". The
image coordinates were stored in the "Image data
table" Each image only has one corresponding
dataset in the image data table. This is called a 1:1 -
Finally we have the camera data to be stored in a
table. The camera data depence on the type of
camera you used to get your photogrammetric
images. We stored this data in the "camera table". An
image may have one corresponding camera dataset.
In addition to the explainations of the dependencies
we have to discuss how they can be realized. As we
saw before each dataset has a unique feature. To
connect datasets from different tables we use this
unique feature in the corresponding table. This means
we expand the master dataset with the unique feature
of the depending dataset. For example we store the
camera number in the dataset of the image. So we
can easily access on the camera information for one
special image. But what happens if there is no
corresponding dataset?
To avoid this circumstance we define a "referentiell
integrity". This means if a dataset needs a
corresponding dataset it only can be stored when the
corresponding dataset exists. This technique also
prevents the database from corruption when deleting
a dataset but not the corresponding ones. For
example: Before deleting a Masterproject you have to
delete all subprojects which belong to this
Masterproject. The subproject itself only can be
deleted when all images that correspond to this
subproject were deleted and so on. Figure 4 shows
the relations between the tables of the image
database and their referentiell integrities.
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Figure 4
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