Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

On the right hand you see the "image panel" which 
gives the user a quick overview over the stored 
images. Different viewstyles and plenty of information 
dialogs offers the user all the information he needs to 
manage his projects and data. 
Furthermore there are standard information dialogs 
implemetented. The "Quick-Info" dialog shown in 
figure 7. contains basic informations on the selected 
Bill-Hr.: 2000 Fam. 7 Daten 
Kamerani kd Datum: 95.0497 Nèherarte 
Bald befindet sich in Sub-Projekt: Gebüzde 3 StraBezzage 
{xan 1005457800 Xia) 4008447800 Sendd X —— 457123065 
{vn 2008447800 Y(a) 6987754200 Stenddd Y — 255487987 
Z(u) 100898700 Z(e) 100858700 Slendrid Z 0878985 
Kanting 0.548 Neigung -145 Richtung 12 
HauptpktX -1255-603 
36 x 36mm HauptpktY 3.28-063 
Konstante „1.25 WHuibiur chgang 12145 
Fs 50-005 81 250-004 ct 1.549-001 
| A2 120009 52 259-83 G2 5870-003 
Figure 7 
The image dataset dialog shown in figure 8 contains 
informations about the image (number, camera, date, 
author) as well as image coordinates and detailed 
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Figure 8 
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95 61883427 
Negung ^ Mentung — Piehlur 
Figure 9 
The camera information dialog offers the user all 
relevant parameters of the corresponding camera. 
To bring the received information on paper an 
extensive report was implemented. 
Beside the information and report dialogs all database 
management routines are implemented in the 
BDB-Explorer. So it is very important to control the 
level a user has access on them. The BDB-Explorer 
takes care of this by using different user access 
levels. The "guest-level" only allows the user to have 
access on basic data informations. Deleting or 
modifying data is not possible. The "user-level" was 
designed for data maintenance. The 
"administrator-level" offers full access to all data 
management tools and routines. 
4.2 The BDB-Browser 
The BDB-Browser was designed for the professional 
power user. With the BDB-Browser the user has a 
mighty tool to his disposal. The BDB-Browser enables 
the user to handle the complete database 
management. This means, the user can work on each 
setting of the database. He can change datasets, data 
definition, keys etc. Furthermore he can manage the 
database connection and the access rights on a 
system level. Last but not least the BDB-Browser 
offers tools for data maintenance like packing, 
copying or converting a table and it's data. 
Because incautious handling can destroy the 
database integrity and thus the functionality of the 
entire image database it strongly recommended that 
only advanced users use the BDB-Browser. TO 
guarantee this the BDB-Browser is only avaiable on 
the "administrator level". 
4.3 The CAD-Interface 
AutoCAD Release 13 for Windows contains an own 
database CC 
full function 
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elements as 
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Figure 10 
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