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database connector module. This module requires a
full functioned database management system. The
connection procedure between datasets and drawing
elements as well as the creation of result datasets is
especially for the non professional user not easy to
handle. Because of this fact we tried another way to
connect the image database to the AutoCAD
To enable the user to have easy access on the
images and their data inside the CAD environment
was one major goal when developing the CAD-
Interface. Beside the easy access on data and
informations, routines to exchange data between CAD
and the image database were required. The
developed CAD-Interface builds up the connection to
the CAD environment. It offers the user the possibility
to have access on the images and their data. To
connect the image database while working in a CAD
environment you have to start the application called
"CAD-interface". After it starts up you have to select
the Master- and subproject on which data you like to
have accees to. After this procedure the so called
"Image Browser panel" appears. For every image of
the subproject there is a camera symbol associated
with an image number. On figure 10 you can see the
image browser on the right side.
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Figure 10
When you click on a camera item inside the panel a
pop-up menu appears and offers you different options
like quick view, quick-info, an image data dialog or a
camera data dialog. The image browser panel itself
and the data access routines were implemented as
dynamic link libraries (dll's). This was neccessary
because the browser panel and the corresponding
dialog boxes always has to stay on top of screen even
when the CAD application is activated by the user.
As discussed above the reference inside the CAD
drawing is a camera symbol. To place the camera
Symbol which references an image inside your CAD
drawing we designed a block with extended attributes
(camblk.dwg). These attributes are the image number
and the data quality. For a comfortable use we
developed some LISP-routines which helps the user
to place and handle the camera blocks.
4.3.1 Direct data exchange
By opening the corresponding image data dialog the
user can change the coordinates by typing in the new
coordinates. When the dialog is closed the data will
be updated and stored automatically in the image
4.3.2 Clipboard data exchange
By using the LISP-Rouine "Caminfo" a dialog box
appears which contains the actual CAD coordinates of
the camera block. Copy these coordinates to the
clipboard and insert them in the appropriate
coordinate dialog box of the image. When the image
coordinate dialog box is closed the data will be
automatically updated.
4.3.3 Transfer file data exchange
The data transfer file to export data will be created
with the AutoCAD block extraction routine. The
required pattern file is part of the image database. By
extracting the camera block attributes it is very
important to create a space delimited file (SDF-file
format). If neccessary you can modify the pattern file
for your needs.
To import data from the image database into the CAD
drawing you can create a CAD transfer file. With this
file the camera symbols will be automatically placed
in your CAD drawing at the appropriate position. To
read in the transfer file you use the LISP routine
called "Caminp.Isp". The structure of the input file is
listed below.
5. Resume
With this article we tried to introduce the image
database and it's concepts. We know that it is not
easy to imagine how the image database works in
practice when only reading about it. To receive an
impression about the advantages the image database
has to offer you in practice . You are welcom to visit
our website under http://www.imagefact.com. Here
you can download a free demoversion of the image