jin. In all 3.2 Powder Tower total facade consists of approximately 32000 object points
W days so (4 to 8 points per stone). This task could only be handled
id object For momument preservation purposes detailed plans of by a direct superimposition of graphical data onto the
the historic Powder Tower of Oldenburg had to be images (Figure 7: Example image of the Oldenburg
generated. The final results will include a stone-by-stone Powder Tower Figure 8). In the interior a stereoscopic
registration of the exterior and the interior walls in the — reconstruction of the untextured wall of the dome was
form of a complete 3-D CAD model. A geodetic net of nessecary. This data was collected on a Zeiss P3
control points has been established inside and outside ^ analytical plotter running PHOCUS software. The
the building. Images were taken from all around the measuring results of both systems were transfered to
object including camera stations from higher positions ^ AutoCAD for further processing. As a result two-
using a hydraulic lift (Figure 7: Example image of the dimensional drawings and a cylindrical projection of the
Oldenburg Powder Tower Figure 8). exterior facade have been produced (Figure 9)
(Tecklenburg 1995).
3-D Point determination of the exterior walls was
performed by intersection in the PHIDIAS program. The
FE 33
Figure 7: Example image of the Oldenburg Powder Tower Figure 8: Superimposition of 3-D CAD data
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) floor Figure 10: Projection of the principle arch