t kind of
Im cameras
In the case
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Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the original video image with
large radial distortion values and the corrected image
after self-calibration.
3.3 Testfield Calibration
The CCD-camera has been calibrated by 13 convergent
images of the testfield. Due to a large shift of the principle
point and extreme values for radial distortion (see Figure
7), the observations (image coordinates) have to be
corrected iteratively by the calibrated parameters of
interior orientation. With the corrected observations the
adjustment process has been started again until the
system reaches convergency. In comparison to the first
step of calibration the modified parameters lead to
variations in image space of about 20pm. This effect is
much poorer for lenses with larger focal length and less
CCD camera 1/2", f=4.8mm
100 7
50 4
0,5 1 15 2
-50 4
image radius r' [mm]
radial distortion dr' [ym]
-100 4
-150 -
Figure 7: Radial distortion
The | measurement accuracy after projective
transformation of a flat (AZ < 5mm) surface (size 1.5m x
4m) has been determined to a standard deviation of
sxy=t1.2mm using the calibrated CCD camera. This
result is equal to a relative accuracy of about 1:4000 and
meets the requirements.
4.2 Point Measurement
The measurement of circular targets with high sub-pixel
accuracy has been solved for more then ten years now
(e.g. Luhmann 1986). The algorithm used in this
application is based on a course point detection by a blob
analysis algorithm which searches for point-wise patterns
In the image. In a second step these approximate
positions are used for a precise point measurement
where the point center is calculated from a best-fit ellipse
of the extracted contour points. The average point
accuracy of well-defined targets is better than 3/100 of
the pixel size.
4.3 Edge Measurement
The actual processing task is the extraction and
Measurement of non-signalized object edges. In the case
of precast concrete ceilings the edges are disturbed by
production failures (e.g. overflow of concrete), changing
light conditions and different observation angles with
respect to the camera (example in Figure 8). In order to
improve the edge detection process a CAD data set of
each part is transformed into approximate edge position
values in image space.
Figure 8: Edges on concrete part
Edge detection is performed by a self-adaptive line
following process. Given a starting point and direction
(from CAD data) the operator searches for the most likely
edge in the neighbourhood of the current position. Using
the n previous edge points the next edge candidate is
predicted. For each successful edge location a set of
edge attributes (e.g. edge width, curvature, contrast etc)
is stored. The n previously determined attributes are used
for a learning scheme in order to select the desired edge
point out of many possible edge candidates.
o predicted edge position
& precise edge position
A: starting point d: offset
p;: image profile
s: step width
Figure 9: Line following
According to Figure 9 the operator adapts to the current
line curvature. In the case that a profile offset d exceeds a
given limit the step width s is automatically reduced in
order to generate a denser point distribution for higher
edge curvatures.