Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

ne Auxiliary 
Dimensional Line 
Base Plate 
Figure 1 CAD Plan of Base Plate 
time and labor for the work. 
For the above reasons, we have embarked on the 
building-up of a measurement work backup system of 
base plate position which is capable of reading the 
design value of the base position automatically, making 
sure of discrepancy between measured value and 
design value right off while the measurement of base 
position is going on and outputting the measurement 
results automatically in a spread sheet form. 
2. Measuring procedure and problems 
The order of the measurement work of base plate 
position is such that the design value of the base 
position is read from the plan and after confirming the 
measured value and design value by comparing with 
each other with measurement of the base position, a 
document is prepared. Figure 1 shows CAD plan of the 
base plate. The number of base plates reaches as much 
as 200 pieces per work site with 20 to 40 pieces of the 
base set within a range of 10 square meters. The plan 
has been made into CAD; however the work reading the 
design value from the plan is done by hand and for all 
bases, the worker reads the design value and puts the 
value on record. For the measurement work of base 
position, the total station type three dimensional 
measuring instrument has been employed which 
measures a distance and vertical and horizontal angle to 
obtain a three dimensional coordinate value. Figure 2 
shows the measurement condition of base plate with the 
use of the total station. The measurement results are 
recorded in a controller and after end of the 
measurement, the measured values are printed out all 
Base Plate 
Figure 2 Measurement Condition of Base Plate 
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Figure 3 « 

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