. The design and obtaining of the digital stereo pairs and GPS
positions of cameras;
3. The recognition and measurement of the targets images;
4. The mathematical model of camera calibration that used is
the self-calibrating bundle adjustment. After Fraser (1997)
only the k1 term is used for radial lens distortion.
f al(X-Xs) +bICY- Ys) - cl(Z- 75)
a3(X- X9 -b3(Y- y.) -c3(7- 73
a2(X- X3) - b2(Y- Y3) * c2(Z- Z3)
a3(X- X9) -bJ(Y- Y) -63(2- 73)
In Equation (1), (x0, y0) and f respectively are the principal
point offsets and the principal distance of camera, (Ax, Ay) is
the image coordinate correction due to lens distortion, (x, y) and
(X, Y, Z) are the coordinates of image point and its
corresponding object point respectively, (Xs, Ys, Zs) are the
coordinates of the exposure center, and the (ai, bi, ci) i=1,3 are
respectively the functions of three rotation angles (w,p,K):
al- cosQ cosk
bl- cosk sinq sino + cosw sink
cl— -sinqQ coso cosk - sink sino
a2— -cosqQ sink
b2- -sink sinQ sino -- coso cosk ) 2)
€2= sink sing cos® + sinw cosk
a3= sing
b3- -cosgsino
Ax =klxx r+ k2xx r+ plxQx; *r) *p2x2x,y,
Ay - kIx y,r? k2x y,r'* plx2x,y,* p2x y: « r?)
Xr-X-—-xQ (3)
2 2 2 J
[^ — XT +Yr
These equations result in 10 unknown parameters. That means
at least 6 targets are reqiured to provide minimum redundancy
during calibration of one camera. After linearisation, the error
equations of the least squares bundle adjustment are expressed
as following matrix equations:
V=AX-L (4)
L=(x-> y-r)
x=(x, Ys Zs € O K f x9 yo ki) (5)
A= di di dis dis dis dis d; dis dio diio
d do» do Qo. As As à ds Qs dio
In Equation (5), x' and y' are the image coordinates computed
by means of approximate values of the parameters according to
the collinearity equations; a; (i=1,2, j=1,10) are the partial
Since the convergence of the least squares solution depends on
the initial values of exterior parameters, a DLT algorithm
(Karara, 1989) is used to provide this information. The DLT
equations with 11 unknowns from which all the camera
parameters can be derived are expressed as Equation (7).
Xs(aTAy lATL } (6)
Xs - Iq X*LoYtLsZtLA4
X LoX+L10Y+Lj12+} (7)
2 | L5X*L6Y*L7Z* Lg
i 2 2 2
L- V/2+L2, +12) (8)
xo-(LixLo*L2xLio*LaxLijL? \
Fx= L213 +1312 x3 Nx
zr lli 2) 2 ti
f-(fy*fy)/2 )
@ = tan 7! (EL10 /Li1)
95 igno 4)
aj 2 L(xoXL9-Lp/fx
K 7 cos" l (a1/coso ) (10)
Xs Laos L2m daüli2 | 54
Vo [ES 7b scr L8
Zslsl. L9. 1051 1 )
5. The relationship between cameras and GPS antennas.
Following calibration the distances and angles among
cameras and GPS antennas can be considered as fixed values,
They can then be used to reconstruct the imaging geometry
for subsequent photogrammetric intersection.
Figure 2 the relationship between
mapping frame and sensor frame
whole sensor
GPS observat
differential c«
cameras then ¢
the sensor sys
camera positic
observations a
If no rotation :
between sens(
about y-axis)
matrix can be
R =| — ci
Let the left Gl
and its coordi
coordinate of
frame as (AX
determine the:
position in ma
any position
In the future v
rotation matri:
then can be cc
the same, the
camera exteri
calibration. T
differential ro
orientation of
without field c
6. Forward
their ster
* Comput
image p:
* As the
two conjt
derivatives with respect to the 10 unknowns for x and y. Based As illustrated in Figure 2, the relationship between mapping Z=
on the least square adjustment, the normal equations and their frame (M-XYZ) and the sensor frame (S-xyz) can be expressed
solution can be obtained as Equation (6). by six parameters, i.e. 3 rotations and 3 positions, because the