Figure 10: Resulting CAD model of the Disentis mon-
orientation of the cameras were determined together with
a subset of the object point coordinates. Due to the two
different lenses used, two different sets of additional pa-
rameters were determined accordingly. In the bundle ad-
justment routine 147 parameters of exterior orientation,
20 parameters of interior orientation and 771 objectpoint
coordinates were determined from 2620 image coordinate
observations. The standard deviation of the unit weight a
posteriori (69) of the adjustment was 5.5 um, which is ap-
proximately half the size of a pixel. The theoretical preci-
sion of the object point coordinates is 1.3 cm (6 y), 1.7 cm
(6 y) and 1.4 cm (6 7).
In a second step all object coordinates of the objet model
are determined by a bundle adjustment routine using the
previously estimated parameters of interior and exterior
orientation. This is practically equivalent with a multiple
ray forward intersection. The 3D-coordinates of 1836 ob-
ject points were determined from the image coordinate
observation of 9573 image points in 49 images. In average
each object point is present in 5.2 images. The accuracy of
the object can then be estimated by the theoretical preci-
sion of the object point coordinates, which averages to 1.4
cm (6 x), 1.8 cm (6 y) and 1.5 cm (67). According to the
dimensions of the building this is a relative accuracy of
about 1 : 8'000.
Beside the geometric accuracy the topologic correctness
and completeness of the resulting model is of interest.
Whereas the topologic correctness of the model is already
supervised by the user during the modelling process, the
completeness depends on the degree of detail and the used
imagery during the reconstruction process. To demon-
strate the latter the topologic object description is matched
with the set of aerial images and with the set of terrestrial
images separately. The results with respect to the topology
are given in Figure 11. It is obvious that the aerial images
allow the reconstruction of most parts of the object,
whereas the terrestrial images have a significant drawback
in the reconstruction of the roof parts and some parts on
the facade, which are occluded. Moreover the geometric
accuracy of the two subsets suffers from the inferior
number of image rays and the worse intersection angles.
Thus the accuracy of the set of aerial images is worse by a
factor of 2 and the set of terrestrial images by a factor of 3
than the combined set with all images.
Results from the set of
aerial images
Results from the set of
terrestrial images
Figure 11: Topologic completeness of the object model
derived from two subsets of images
Concerning the degree of detail the results derived in the
project so far go down to a level, where the windows are
represented by sets of four straight lines. For other tasks
or problems a more detailed model might be desirable as
the final result. Figure 12 shows a few examples how the
degree of detail can easily be increased. In addition to the
existing model of the window more details like the sur-
rounding parts and details in the painting of the facade are
Figure 12: Degree of detail on a window feature
upper row: derived degree of in this project
lower row: examples for a more detailed
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