be overcome by considering learning conditions such as
size of the self-organizing maps, the learning coefficient,
and kinds of images using learning and changing method
of weights. These we will be undertake in future studies.
6.3 Classifying Facial Expressions
In this study, we analyzed changes in the victory neuron of
the eyebrows and the eyes and the mouth in 3-
dimensional space. Using this method, five kinds of facial
expressions were classified out of the basic six types of
facial expressions. Our analysis demonstrates that
important elements of facial images are reflected in 3-
dimensional information. Visualization was possible
reducing the dimension of image information into 3-
dimensional information.
In the future, we will design other methods for analyzing
the change of victory neuron.
In this study, we attempted to classify facial expressions by
using self-organizing maps. By inputting various images
of facial expressions into self-organizing maps and
changing the interconnection weights, we were able to
make self-organizing maps capable of classifying image
features. This study demonstrates that by inputting
images into self-organizing maps, it is possible to
representing image features as a victory neuron number in
self-organizing maps. Thus it is possible to consider
changes in images as changes in the victory neuron
Movements of facial segments have features peculiar to
each facial expression. The victory neuron showed
changes peculiar to each facial expression when image
sequences of facial expressions were input into self-
organizing maps.
By analyzing the changes in the victory neuron, we were
able to classify facial expressions, thus demonstrating the
possibility of recognizing facial expressions by using this
method. In the future, we will strive to develop an
algorithm for recognizing facial expression and a method
for automatically tracking such facial segments as the
eyebrows and the eyes and the mouth.
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