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jnizing Facial
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-74, No. 10,
'sychiatrist to
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'ession —From
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94. Computer
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93. Dynamic
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1994. Lecture
juter Vision —
Jsing Wavelet
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147, pp15-22.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 5. Hakodate 1998
Toshio KAWASHIMA*, Masashi TODA*, Yoshinao AOKI*
Kiwamu SAKAGUCHI**, and Takao KAWASAKI**
{School of Engineering*, School of Dentistry**}
Hokkaido University
Kita-13, Nishi-8, Sapporo, 060-8628, JAPAN
Commission V, Working Group 4
Key words: Mastication, Motion Analysis, Factorization
We propose a direct facial motion estimation method based-on factorization. In the method, we
can measure the facial motion of a subject masticating without marker. The measurement process
is divided into two stages; learning stage and measurement stage. In the learning stage, we attach
markers to a set of measurement points on a subject’s face. We capture several examples of facial
motion image sequences with the marker location. Once the matrix equation is derived, we can
directly estimate the location of measurement points from facial image without markers. In the
report, we state the detail of the method, and discuss the limitation of this approach.
Face and gesture image analysis is an attractive area
because the information contained in the motion data
is essential for communication between human and
machine. Facial motion analysis is also important for
medical diagnosis. In dentistry, facial motion around
lips, perioral motion, is an index of stomatognathic
Most studies[1] in dental application attach mark-
ers to subject's face. This is because precise mea-
surement requires exact localization of characteris-
tic points. In addition, the head of a subject must
be fixed to the special chair to prevent perturbation.
These restriction limits the clinical application of fa-
cial motion analysis.
In this report, we tried a direct estimation of fea-
ture points without attaching any markers to face.
In the recent work of Covell [2], he proposes “eigen-
points” approach to locate control points from an un-
marked image. His method were applied to morphing
and used to match corresponding points of two im-
We follow this approach. Instead of sample face
images of subjects, we preliminary measure sample
image sequence of facial motion with markers. The
sequence and the location of marker points are used
as a training sample. From the relation ship between
gray levels of an image and its marker location, we
construct an estimation equation using SVD (singu-
lar value decomposition). The SVD decompose an
observation into an orthonormal basis of observation
and a potential motion parameter. From the result
of the SVD, we form an estimation equation.
In section 2, we outline the principle of the method.
Experimental results of the method are shown in sec-
tion 3. A simple experiment of mastication analysis
is shown in the section.
Problem Definition: Estimate the location of virtual
feature points of a subject from an image sequence
around lips without markers.
The term “virtual feature point” is the place where
a mark to be expected. In [2], they divide the mea-
surement into two stages. The first stage calculates
the estimation equation using SVD. In the stage, they
mark a set of control points where geometrical cor-
respondence between images is explicitly defined by