Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

Figure 1: Fisrt stage observes a facial image sequence 
with markers. The trace P of the markers are mea- 
sured by a tracking program. In our experiment thir- 
teen points are located around lips. A marker is a 
white square (10mm x 10mm) sticker in the center of 
which a black circle (2mm) is printed. 
the user, to a sample face image set of subjects. 
Instead of an image set , we prepare an image 
sequence which observes a facial motion. We put n 
markers on the face of a subject (Fig.1). A tracking 
program traces the two-dimensional position of the 
markers on the camera plane. A 2n-length vector p; 
denotes the location of these n points at time i. An 
N, x N, vector f; is the gray scale values of the pixels 
around lips(figure 2) where N; x N, is the size of area. 
Matrixes F and P are the times-series measurements 
of vectors f; and p; subtracted by the expectation 
E f^ Ljnsinihas] 
P= {pi — P,..-,Pn — P} 
If we suppose f and p are controlled by a poten- 
tial parameter set x which governs the facial affine 
model, we can model the mechanism by the follow- 
ing equations. k 
f=Mrz +f 
p=Mpz +p 
Consequently, the matrix F of the image sequence 
can be factorized into the following equation. 
| P | ^d tp Mp [aim m] 
YK 0 T 
Up 0 0 Vi 
The lower expression of the right-hand side is sin- 
gular value decomposition of of [FT PTT. 
Once Up,Up, f, and p are determined, we can 
compute an estimation p’ of p’ for input image f" us- 
ing the result of above singular value decomposition. 
p'=UpU5'[ f' —-f ]|+P, 
where Ur! is general inverse of Up. Thus, it is pos- 
sible to estimate the position of the markers from 
Figure 2: A vector f of gray level values are measured 
within the area indicated as a square. For reduction 
of computational cost, the pixel size of the image is 
re-quantized by 1:4. 
Learning Image with Markers 
Face t] CUIR of Markers 
e. MF:Facial Image 
Mi] Observation Matrix 
SVD of Matrix 
Estimation Matrix 
Motion Estimation without Markers 
EH * Estimation of 
Marker Position 
MF:Facial Image 
Figure 3: Block-diagram of the process. In the first 
learning stage, an image vector f; of the face is mea- 
sured with the positions p; of markers. For the se- 
quence {i = 1,...,n}, singular value decomposition 
is applied. Using the result the algorithm estimates 
virtual marker position only from f. 
camera input without markers. In the method we do 
not use explicit representation of x. 
In Covell's paper, index 7 indicates the subject 
number. They correlate faces { f } and control points 
{p} with Up and Up. Instead, we correlate perioral 
image and the location of feature points. 
Figure 3 summarizes our process. Image sequence 
used in the first learning stage must span enough or- 
thonormal basis in order that the estimation func- 
tions in the second stage. If the sequence is insuf- 
ficient, the output of the second stage would be in- 
We observed face by a camera located in front of a 
subject. Thirteen markers are placed on the sub- 
Figure 4: 
image seq 
is 640x 46 
lips. (b) 
148x84 i: 
ject’s fac 
We te: 
e Hor 
e Che 
the seque 
8 seconds 
square ar 
used in t] 
for f. T 
are used 
of these 
frame 20 
images. ' 
labeled 2 
applied t 
output a 

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