Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

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lational motion. Distortion shown in the experiment 
is caused by the insufficiency. However, collecting 
enough sample images requires subject's effort. 
Our future work will concentrate on the reduction 
of the distortion caused by insufficient orthonormal 
[1] Masashi Setaka, Time-series analysis of multi- 
point movements of lips and adjacent regions 
during mastication, Hokkaido Journal of Dental 
Science, 15, pp.89-107, 1994 ( in Japanese ) 
[2] M. Covell, Eigen-points: Control-point Location 
using Principal Component Analysis, 2nd Int. 
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Figure 6: (a)Vertical motion of the point C2. Cross: estimation. Diamond: true position. The amplitude of 
the expected vertical motion is smaller than actual motion. This is probably caused by in sufficient span of 
the basis. Figures (b)-(d) are the trajectories of markers. Figure (b) is the output of tracker (actual motion). 
Figure (c) is the estimated trajectory for the training sample, and (d) is the result for an test image. 
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