Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

re corrected using the 
r— Xo) ed, 
coordinates of a pixel 
es of the same pixel in 
dinates of the principal 
| to the principal point; 
dial distortion (higher 
entring distortion are 
ge have been corrected, 
plane can be expressed 
with the least square 
al have been conducted 
ind the effectiveness of 
eme of camera. The 
ch were extracted from 
, were used to describe 
hod. The real date was 
the point-based method 
re. For the former, the 
x. Figure 3 illustrated 
| listed the simulated 
nulated camera. 
trol Target. 
( b ). Edges Detected By Sobel Operator. 
( c). Edges Extracted By Thinning and Following. 
( d). Straight Lines (black frame) Extracted with the 
Least Square Fitting Method. 
Table 1. Simulated Valuse of Orientation for Camera 
Interior Xo Yo f 
Parameters| —3.692 2.972 699.42 
Xs Ys Zs 
Exterior | 54410 -628.04 1555.90 
® K 
53.559803 57.089316 349.864286 
Table 2 listed the simulated parameters of control lines 
and their observations on the image plane. 
Table 2. Simulated Values of Control Lines 
p 9 Xc Yet a B 1 
LO 10.10 0.164635 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1.000 
188.19 4.351133 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 1.000 0.000 
12 154.08 5.733119 0.00 100.00 0.00 1.000 0.000 0.000 
13 39.68 4473506 100.00 0.00 600.00 0.000 1.000 0.000 
LA 241.34 3.541581 100.00 1100.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1.000 
[5 172.91 2.159794 0.00 1100.00 600.00 1.000 0.000 0.000 
L6 42.58 5.585684 0.00 100.00 600.00 1.000 0.000 0.000 
L7 238.44 6.233983 2100.00 100.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 1.000 
235.29 1.558492 2100.00 0.00 600.00 0.000 1.000 0.000 
The software was programmed with C++ language 
and executed on PC in the environment of MicroSoft 
WINDOWS 95. The whole process consisted of : ( 1 ) 
optical distortion parameters; ( 2 ) principal point 
coordinates; ( 3 ) affine scaling parameters; Assume the 
system errors of image are stable and corrected and the 
principal point coordinates are unknowns, and (4) 
exterior orientation parameters for camera. The control 
lines can be automatically extracted by the program at 
sub-pixel precision. 
Table 3 lists the initial values and the calculated 
Table 3. Result of Single Photo Resection 
Initial Value Calculated Value 
X, -3.692 --- 
Yo 2.972 --- 
f 699.42 --- 
Xs -930.100 -934.127 
Ys -620.041 -628.043 
Zs 1550.000 1555.880 
Q 50.602520 53.560490 
o 60.141391 57.088574 
K 359.884333 349.864290 
In order to compare the new method with other 
point-based ones, we used a piece of real image, which 
was taken with film-based 120 camera and scanned at 
resolution of 600 DPI (the original image shown in 
figure 4). The control points were measured manually 
with cursor on computer screen and listed in table 4. 
Two  point-based methods DLT (Direct Linear 
Transformation ) and SR ( Space Resection ) were used 
and the results are listed in table 5. 
Figure 4. Original image used for test 
Table 4. Coordinates of Control Points 
Point No. x [pixel] y [pixel] X[m] Y[m] Z[m] 
1 196 915 6132.873 . 855.600 115.477 
à 241 988 6125.498 850.850 105.256 
3 244 1257 6125.608 850.856 70.128 
4 721 441 9/94.480 | 875.060 110.521 
5 1854 513 5154.531 189.101 110.505 
6 2353 518 5754.602 746.094 108.206 
1 497 1631 5754.504 891.241 . 28.960 
8 877 1623 5754.462 | 864.894 28.960 
9 1991 1598 5754.471 778.866 28.950 
10 735 1744 5154.521 874.942 20.112 
11 2879 1353 5823.379 649.903 49.288 
12 3178 1265 5783.367 644.957. 56.144 
13 3553 1335 5764.857 617.183 49.318 
14 2864 1698 5823.420 652.165 16.158 
15 3599 945 5821.447 560.807 91.456 
16 3892 882 5764.506 575.348 | 91.460 
17 2485 1711 5605.802 | 824.259 | 26.047 
18 2516 1709 5606.329 822.147 26.044 
Table 5. Result of Single Photo Resection 
DLT Method _ Point-Based SR 
X 83.296 83.396 
vas -57.371 -57.371 
f 239.493 239.494 
Xs 5366.991 5366.991 
Ys 966.396 966.396 
Zs 36.896 36.896 
Q 115.601898 115.601904 
® 91.394714 91.394786 
K 359.140747 359.260951 
Using these control points we could get several 

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