control lines by combining two points such as 1-18, 2-17,
3-16, 4-15, and so on. In addition, four pairs of parallel
lines were used here. Table 6 listed the tested result
obtained with the new method. The interior parameters
were provided by the former two methods.
Table 6. Result of Single Photo Resection
Initial Value Calculated Value
X, 83.296 --
Y, -57.371 vee
f 239.396 ---
Xs 5300.991 5366.513
Ys 900.396 966.624
Zs 30.896 37.255
9 110.601898 115.577747
© 90.394714 91.347435
K 0.140747 359.280641
Calibration of camera has been an important
component of any vision task which seeks to extract
geometric information from a scene. The new method
presented in this paper to determine the focal length
and the exterior orientation parameters of camera is
based on straight lines and their geometric constrains.
The straight lines were used because they could provide
excellent calibration environment for the object controls.
Compared with other methods the new technique
provided here possesses such advantages:
€ (Calibration of camera, which up to now has been
point based, can be implemented on the basis of
linear features. The equations then relate feature
descriptors instead of point coordinates.
€ Linear features, which are abundant in the 3D
world due to human-made infrastructure, provide
a rich set of possible geometric constraints (e.g.
parallel, perpendicular, horizontal, vertical and
coplanar) that can be effectively exploited in
different applications, particularly in
€ Although some techniques based on linear
features have been put forward (Mikhail, 1997;
Echigo, 1990; Grosky et al, 1990; Wang et al,
1991; Chen et al., 1989; Chen et al., 1991; Lee et
al, 1990; Lenz et al, 1988; Liu et al, 1990;
Mulawa et al, 1988; Salar et al, 1990;
Tommaselli et al., 1988; Tozzi, 1996; ), few of them
took advantage of these excellent geometric
constrains. The new method makes full use these
constrains (mainly vertical parallel and horizontal
lines). This can be proven both in geometric theory
and mathematical basis.
€ Since the calibration was divided into two steps,
this can obviously reduce the relativity among the
orientation parameters.
€ The new method is robust and stable due to its
strong geometric and mathematical relations.
€ By the technique the calibration of camera can be
done automatically because the straight lines can
be easily extracted from the digital images at the
sub-pixel accuracy.
The proposed solution was tested using synthetic
and real data. From table 6 we can see that the new
technique could obtain the same accuracy level result
as DLT and point-based space resection. So it could be
appropriate both for outdoor and for indoor computer
vision applications like robot location and autonomous
land vehicle guidance, because of its simplicity of
environment setup and strong geometric controls.
Especially in the application of the merging image with
existing 3D GIS models the new method might be the
most suitable way to provide the exterior orientation
parameters because it is easy to provide more line
objects than point from the GIS database.
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2.1 Hardware
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