New frame
Reset Start processing End processing
Field 1 Field 2
l| oda| ' | | | |
|| field | | |
| Tim
Le k CA A | >
| | | |
FIFO B' | | |
data | | | | | I |
| | |
| ; | : | : |
i| Even
| | field | | | |
| oy po Time
| i |
| | |
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3
Figure 2 Graphical representation of filling the FIFO's with
data and frame alignment after reset.
2.2 Image processing
2.2.1. Target image processing. Image acquisition is a
fundamental process for photogrammetry. Prior to obtaining
any video data, the VFE-90 module must be reset. For an
interlaced imaginary a new frame and subsequent frames must
be aligned. Then, the video signals are processed line by line.
Three types of data: sub-pixel location, intensity, or new frame,
are read out from the FIFO's. Decoding the data gives
meaningful edge and intensity information of target sections.
Figure 3 illustrates extracted data from the FIFO's with a
threshold set at 50 for three targets (two of which overlap each
other in the same line) in an interline image. The threshold
value is set by an 8-bit I/O port on the GPIO-90 board. The
lower two bits of the intensity are not used so a threshold of 50
equates to 200. At this stage in the development of the 3D-NET
system the video signals have not yet been adjusted optimally.
Line ! coln
Line_2 eoln
Line 377 eoln
Line 378 eoln
Line 379 edge 354 267 302 286 271 252 205 eoln
Line 380 edge 353 244 335 385 385 349 305 243 coln
Line_381 edge 353 249 339 395 397 355 315 248 eoln
Line 382 edge 353 214 279 317 306 280 260 209 eoln
Line_383 edge 355216 211 eoln
Line_384 coln
Line_385 eoln
Line 386 eoln
Line 387 edge 346 272 331 354 326 295 256 coln
Line 388 edge 346 219 254 261 246 229 206 coln
Line 389 edge 346 254 300 309 294 264 227 edge 356 254 278 265 245 226 eoln
Line 390 edge 345 209 295 358 370 349 308 256 edge 355 250 332 366 348 324 282 214 coln
Line 391 edge 347 210 212 204 edge 355 246 325 359 342 317 275 210 eoln
Line 392 edge 355221 269 287 279 255 228 coln
Line 393 edge 357218 213 210 coln
Line 394 eoln
Line 581 coln
Line_582 coln
eoln = end of line marker
edge = beginning of a new line object
Line number are calculated by counting eoln markers
Figure 3. Data Extracted from FIFO’s A and B
The target location algorithm only requires edge data belonging
to two consecutive lines of an image at a time to compute the
sub-pixel location of each object. À parameter buffer is used to
store the peak intensity, a summation of intensity and
summation of x or y location times intensity for each object.
The data for consecutive lines are stored in two buffers “ping”
and “pong”. The ping buffer of current line becomes the pong
buffer for next line target recognition. The edge pairs in the
ping buffer are compared with those in the pong buffer to
ascertain the state of the edge pairs in the current and previous
lines. By comparing the starting and finishing pixel values of
target sections in each two consecutive lines, the targets of
legitimate shapes present in the frame are reconstructed.
Splitting or merging targets are recognised and flagged as
invalid photogrammetric target images. The sections of invalid
targets within subsequent lines are processed but no sub-pixel
location is computed. The completely reconstructed targets are
assessed for validity using the area and peak parameters.
2.2.2. DSP programming issues. The ADSP-21xx family base
architecture ^ provides single-cycle = computation for
multiplication together with accumulation and supports
extended sums-of-products. Detecting target edges and
accumulating grey scale intensity value for each target can be
achieved efficiently with a DSP. These data are used to
calculate the grey-scale centroid of target.
2.3 Image location
2.3.1. On-the-fly centroid computation. The main task of the
image location algorithm is to calculate the grey scale centroid
of the targets. Object of all shapes have to be processed but
only the objects that meet the criteria set by the target image
recognition algorithm have to be located accurately. One
method of computing the centroid would be to create sub-
images (together with an offset from the origin) for
conventional processing. This would involve storage of the
image in a temporary location and extra computations. The DSP
has limited resources for such tasks and therefore another
method was chosen. This method uses the line-by-line approach
used by the image recognition algorithm to compute the
centroids at the same time as the objects are being recognised.
In this way the storage of information is limited to the data for
the summations required for each of the objects. The DSP is
highly efficient at multiply and accumulate operations required
in the centroid calculation. However, the DSP used is a fixed-
point device which multiplier produces a 32-bit product. When
the accumulation has overflowed beyond the 32-bit boundary
the object is unlikely to be a retro-reflective targets and so the
accumulation stops, but the algorithm must still deal with the
object to avoid problems in subsequent lines of the image.
2.3.2. Criteria for selection of legitimate targets. The 3D-
NET system was designed with the use of retro-reflective
targets in mind, these targets produce images of predictable size
and shape. Other features above the threshold will often be of a
different size and shape. To recognise target-like features one or
two measures can be used on-line to select candidate targets.
Two intuitive and easy to implement measures, which
nevertheless give most of the information required, are the area
and peak intensity. The area is simple to accumulate on-line
being the sum of line lengths for each object, the peak requires
the comparison of current intensity with the previous intensity
and the storage of the greatest. Other measures such as radius or
maximum diffe
are likely to prc
2.4 Results
A series of test
the intelligent c
on the image d.
the image size
targets were sat
The first test ev
an overflow of
processing can
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Avera Al
Table 1. The
In a typical sce
be oriented of
relatively dim
orientations. A:
30 pixels wouk
to 340 pixels
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function of sto
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can be stored
represents a «
threshold proce
be the same reg
used if the targ:
A second serie:
capability of tl
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a FIFO overflc
DSP is incapal
make this test |
also used so the
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Area of tar
Table 2. Real
The results sho
some 6 - 7 pix«
target images «