Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

is in Building 
n V, Working 
elle in der 
ei Sonder- 
nmetrie und 
Heft 5/ 6, 1997 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 5. Hakodate 1998 
Luiz Ernesto RENUNCIO 
PhD Candidate 
Steffen LANDES 
PhD Candidate 
Hans-Peter BAHR 
Professor, Institute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF) 
University of Karlsruhe 
Englerstr. 7, D-76128, Karlsruhe 
renuncio Q ipf.bau-verm.uni-karlsruhe.de 
Carlos LOCH 
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering (LFSG) 
Federal University of Santa Catarina 
88040-900, Florianópolis - SC 
Comission V, Working Group WG V/5 
KEY WORDS: Low-Cost Close Range Photogrammetry, Digital Image Processing, Colored Digital Orthophotos, Low- 
Cost Close Range Photogrammetry, Historical Heritage Preservation, 3D Modeling 
This paper presents the recent advances in developing new methodologies to catalogue Brazilian heritage sites in 
colonial stile. The project is a partnership program between the IPF of the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) and the 
LFSG of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). Our main goal is to document and model a large amount of 
monuments, using low-cost digital technology introducing colored mosaics. The connection of the 3D geometric and 
alphanumeric database will yield the necessary technical support for the urban planning process, taking into account the 
role of the historical heritage, restoration and preservation of the buildings. 
Dieser Beitrag prásentiert die Fortschritte in der Entwicklung neuer Methoden zur Dokumentierung von brasilianischen 
Denkmálern im Kolonialstil. Das Projekt ist ein Gemeinschaftsprogramm zwischen dem IPF der Universität Karlsruhe 
(Deutschland) und dem LFSG der Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasilien). Unser Hauptziel ist eine große 
Anzahl von Monumenten unter Nutzung von digitalen low-cost Technologien zu modellieren und zu dokumentieren. Die 
Verbindung einer 3D-Geometriedatenbank mit alphanumerischen Datenbanken gibt uns die nötige technische 
Unterstützung zur Stadtplanung, um die historischen Denkmäler, zur Restaurierung und Erhaltung der Gebäude, 
1. INTRODUCTION Since 1995, a binational partnership between the Institute 
for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF) of the 
University of Karlsruhe and the Laboratory for 
still an open question, aggravated by the absence of any Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing 
plans at the IPHAN (National Institute for the Preservation (LFSG) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in the 
of the Historical and Artistic Heritage) that include the field of architectural photogrammetry has been 
adoption of photogrammetric techniques; lack of established. It focus the challenges of protection of 
knowledge of architects and engineers about such historical heritage, as legitim representants of the culture 
techniques and their potential use and; the fact that the and epoch. 
government has others priorities in its budget (infra- 
structure, education, health) which mostly are classified The project deals with the great task that architects, 
as urgent. Despite of this, special attention has been engineers, historians and archeologists face when 
given by Brazilian cartographers and photogrammetrists documenting and recording a large heritage at a low cost 
(mostly in the past 5 years) to the adoption of and with the required quality to attempt future goals of 
photogrammetry for the documentation of a large amount restoration, reconstruction and visualization. In Brazil this 
of monuments. represents and amount of more than 10 000 monuments 
(Gomes, 1995). The research aims at the structuration of 
The documentation of the Brazilian national heritage is 

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