The database (prototype was developed in Visual FoxPro
5.0) consists of three main tables containing
alphanumeric and geometric data, which comprises:
e Architectural Characteristics / State of Conservation /
Orthophotos: description of every relevant
architectural element present in the building as well as
its state of conservation (Figure 2). Moreover, it is
possible to visualize an orthophoto of the main façade
together with some metadata (scale of source data,
date of the rectification, executor, graphic scale):
e Property Cadaster: contains data maintained by the
Municipality of Laguna describing the property in
terms of name and address of the owner, measures,
physical characteristics (soil, slope, etc);
* Street Cadaster: basically contains information about
every road in the city (public services that are offered
for every block in the city) and it is used in conjunction
with the Real State Cadaster as a base for taxation.
Moreover it also contains also the plant of every
block, which can be edited directly in à CAD (Figure
4.2. 2D Geographic Information System
The 2D-GIS is still under construction. Its configuration
joins the RDBMS and the Cadastral Basemap, in order to
make it possible to query, analyze and model the RDBMS
through the this basemap. In this way the advantages of a
GIS at a large scale (1:2 000) are added aiming the
information production for the decision making on the
urban planning process. Furthermore, using tools already
available for internet publishing (Arc View Internet
Explorer is, for instance, one of them) will give access to
the 2D-GIS through the WWW, thus increasing the
possibilities of potential use for the stored informations.
Figure 3 — Block plant screen at the RDBMS
4.3 Generation of the Virtual World
The 3D dynamic model of the city's historical downtown
environment offers an interface with the 2D-GIS
described in 4.2. This makes it possible to select an
object in the 2D system and to observe it in a
reconstruction of the real world, where not only the
monument itself is feasible to be viewed but also the
environment that surrounds it. Besides this, the selection
of the object in the 3D scene and the visualization of its
data in the 2D-GIS is possible.
The image acquisition is carried out in an A/D hybrid
system. The analog photos are taken by a Pentax PAMS
645 camera and digitized by an image spatial resolution
of 25.4 um (diapositive) in a Microtek 45t film scanner.
These images are then processed by the Photomodeler
3.0 software, where the spatial coordinates of the 3D
model for every façade are computed. The resulting
model is exported to a CAD for edition and returns to
Photomodeler for the final production of the orthophotos
and the 3D facade. The orthophotos are then stored in
TIFF format to compose the RDBMS, while the 3D model
already with its true UTM coordinates (necessary to
design the different objects in a common coordinate
System), is stored in VRML format.
Currently, the 3D model comprises the following objects:
a DTM (retrieved from the Cadastral Basemap), the
Mayor's Office, some houses and a baseplan, which
contains the city block division. For the visualization the
Cosmo Player 2.0 has been selected, one of the freely
available Internet Browser's plugins for VRML rendering.
A viewpoint of the model is displayed in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Viewpoint of the 3D model.
It is important to mention that this project is not yet
finished. The solution that shall support the connection of
all components in one single graphic user interface is still
under development. However, some considerations can
be made when looking back at the problems we already
solved and the ones we still expect to encounter.
The measurements made on the plotted models have
shown good results in terms of precision and accuracy
when compared to the control points surveyed using a
total station. However, it is still necessary to statistically
determine these reliability parameters for both orthophoto
and 3D plot.
The analysis and comparison between IPHAN's and
Municipality's database proved the problems we pointed
out at
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