Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

visualization of its 
in an A/D hybrid 
y a Pentax PAMS 
spatial resolution 
45t film scanner. 
the Photomodeler 
inates of the 3D 
d. The resulting 
on and returns to 
f the orthophotos 
re then stored in 
hile the 3D model 
^s (necessary to 
nmon coordinate 
following objects: 
| Basemap), the 
baseplan, which 
' Visualization the 
one of the freely 
VRML rendering. 
Figure 4. 
oject is not yet 
he connection of 
r interface is still 
nsiderations can 
lems we already 
Nd models have 
in and accuracy 
1rveyed using a 
ry to statistically 
both orthophoto 
1 IPHAN's and 
ems we pointed 
out at item 3. A lot of redundancies and inconsistencies 
were detected when checking and inputting the data into 
the RDBMS. The consequence was a lot of time applied 
to alphanumeric data acquisition and field surveys. 
Figure 5 — Through columns, doors and windows in the 
image it is possible to notice details not only in the fagade 
plan, but also in the depth direction. 
When more than one photo in the orthophoto or 3D model 
is required then a problem remains. For example, the 
display of seamlines still requires the development of an 
algorithm that can adjust intensity, hue and saturation in 
such a way that the photos - acquired under different 
geometric and illumination conditions - look the same in 
terms of their brightness and contrast. 
The use of internet publishing tools and well-known 
exchange formats (VRML, DXF, HTML, ODBC, JAVA) 
enables the query of the databases not only from those 
government organizations in charge of keeping and 
managing them. Inhabitants of Laguna and all over the 
world, with the most different interests can consult the 
- Tourists can visualize a virtual model of the city. They 
can appreciate monuments, and also determine which 
would be the best hotels in function of their surrounds 
and get additional information or even book them; 
Citizens can check their situation in the municipality’s 
database and keep the IPHAN's database update, 
simply e-mailing the Institute if any change in the 
house needs to be made (repair, repaint, ...); 
A scenario prediction or simulation can be performed 
by any architect or engineer who acquires the city's 
3D-model, so that it is possible to insert his new 
project in the context of its real location, verifying 
issues as, for instance, shadows and 
maintaince/conflict with the existing stile. The insertion 
of new buildings and the restoration of old facades is 
a critical issue in historical sites. 
The system concept was recently presented to the IPHAN 
and Municipality that agreed to collaborate with the 
project. It is in our future plans to install the system in the 
Municipality’s Administrative building, so that the 
database and interface development will also consider 
the feedback of the user. 
During the realization of the common work, the 
interchange of researchers from both countries has been 
promoted focusing education, training, development of 
doctor studies and professional renovation. In course of 
the visits of the German scientist to Brazil, not only the 
Brazilian team at the LFSG, but also the students of the 
master's course in Civil Engineering had the opportunity 
to attend courses about Architectural Photogrammetry, 
Coordinate Systems in Photogrammetry, Data Acquisition 
using Photogrammetry Approaches and Introduction to 
PhotoModeler. The visit of the Brazilian partners to 
Germany offers them the opportunity for professional 
update and the chance to take part in the international 
congresses in the fields of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing that were happening in Europe (ISPRS/96, 
Geodaten-Management/97). Brazilian students are doing 
their doctor studies (sandwich grants) in Germany too, 
which gives them the possibility to apply European 
experience in a Brazilian environment. These activities 
improved the global effectiveness and efficiency of the 
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Carbonell, M., 1989. Architectural Photogrammetry. In: 
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