Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

5. Hakodate 1998 
miaki MORI 
Co. Ltd. 
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of the “Tholos” in 
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of solution for 
many types of 
such as kites, 
balloons, grains, model helicopters etc. in order to carry 
the camera at the appropriate distance from the object 
we want to survey (Y. Miyatsuka, 1996). After that we 
have the choice to manipulate the images in many 
different ways with several programs in order to obtain 
the final results. The conclusion is that more easily with 
less hours and less people we can have valuable results 
which have much accurate information. 
Whenever a detailed plan is needed in great scales we 
have to apply different methods in surveying. If we 
choose the photogrammetric one, we need better 
accuracy in control points. Another factor we have to face 
is that we need very high resolution in shots, therefor we 
use large format cameras. Usually we use control points 
for the survey which are permanent marked on its 
surface in a way that they can easily be used for further 
densificasion of the details in future surveys. In this way 
we succeed to have higher accuracy and connectivity of 
the measurements between different measuring epochs. 
In Delphi many methods were applied for the survey of 
three buildings. The major goal of the effort was to have 
plans very accurate and very detailed. This goal has 
been set up by the researchers of Kumamoto University 
and as we can see from the results that follow they have 
succeed their goal. 
Fig. 1 The Tholos from northwest N 
The Tholos is the most widely-known building at Delphi. 
This magnificent piece of architecture was built in late 
forth century BC It has twenty peristylar columns 
supporting the roof and entablature decorated with 
sculptured reliefs along with a circular nave wall and ten 
proto-corinthian half-columns. Some of the carved 
decoration remains in the marble at the base of the 
temple. Other pieces and blocks are arranged around the 
building as if to suggest that further restoration will be 
happening in the future. The exact purpose of the 
building is not known, but its shape and decoration 
suggest one of importance. 
A part of the building was reconstructed in 1938, this part 
has three of the twenty peristylar columns and a part of 
the cella wall at the southeast side. The column drums 
are destroyed and only the bottom drums are placed on 
the stylobate. The orthostate of the western half of the 
cella wall is preserved in situ. On the eastern part it was 
reconstructed up to a height of 3 m by the French 
School. Inside of the cella the western part of the floor is 
preserved and it seems to have been concentric and 
stepped (Juko Ito, 1997). 
d Toichobate: 
Stylobate pe 
Upper Step 
Lower Step 
» Euthynteria 
Fig. 2 Floor plan of Tholos 
In the summer of 1995 was surveyed the present 
situation of Tholos and a floor plan of the building was 
made (fig. 2). There was an existing such plan drawn by 
Goulob of the French School which was published in 
1925. The purpose of the new survey was to determine 
exactly the dimensions of each element of the 
monument, especially the diameters, because they are 
basic elements of this round building. For this 
measurement the photogrammetric method was applied. 
This method has been chosen because it was fast 
enough and it could provide us with the necessary 
information and details for the dimensions of the building. 
Three different photogrammetric methods have been 
used for having the final plans, which have been checked 
out and completed with topometric measurements by the 
In the first method we used a metal pole consisted of four 
aluminum pipes joined one-another, 2m-long each one, 
fitted on a steel plate based on the ground. On the top of 
the pole there is a hanger which holds the camera via a 
measuring tape so the height of the camera can be 
measured easily. The pole could moved by ropes in all 
directions (fig. 4), and shifted over certain points for the 
shots to be taken. All the system was maneuvered by 
several people and the camera was at a height of 6 m. In 
this way the scale of the negative can be managed. The 
camera was a Hasselblad (6x6 cm format) with special 
lens and they have been taken about one hundred photos 
for the survey. In figure 6 we can see one of the results of 
this effort. 

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