(or mean value)
he distribution of
cni tA 2 din
variable with a
pixel (see figure
l position x
that x is situated
Ax, if dx € [ x, -
pectation of the
d as:
dx =0
u/2 303 Jf
uam : E D
lard deviation of
as the maximum
of it):
in error on the
n of the image is
d: when the radii
(horizontal and
ntal and vertical
Is are considered
n by the relative
> central pixel of
-xc, being x the
and xc the exact
rete longitude of
z X4 -XC , where
the X axis.
The discretization induces also an error r, , namely &r, which
depends only on the error of x,, since the position of the
window center (xc) is known without uncertainty:
Er = r-rm = (x - XxC) - (Xm - XC) = X - Xm = EX
| EF pax! = \EXmaxl = Ax/2 = 1/2 pixel
[er ]= E[ex]= 0
o(er)= Vo (er)=1/VI2 = 0,288 pixels.
For diagonal radii, we proceed in the same way. The longitude
of those radii is defined as the distance between the contour
pixel (x1,y1) and the central pixel of the transformation window
(xc, yc).
The real longitude of any diagonal radius is given by
po (x-xc) *(y- yc). , With (xy) exact position of the
contour pixel. The measured one is , = (x,— x} +(Yn- y):
with (x,y), discrete position of the contour. Then, the error
associated to the longitude of diagonal radii is & = r -r,, and
using this:
1 xm+Ax/2 pym+Ay/2
E[r]- SAT | dx Jax y)-dy = han
it can be shown that the expectation of er is null:
E[er ] E[ r-r4] 2 E[r]- ru 5 4-04 20
The variance of er is:
o (&)- 0 (r) * OC (rm) + 2. cov (r, ry) =O (1)
To calculate 0° (r ) expression (1) is used:
@(r)= Ep? ]-Efrf = El ]-rn° (2)
Efr” ] can be calculated as:
E[? ] E[(x-xc)? ] * Ely-yo)? ] (3)
Developing the sum of squares and using that E[ £x ]= 0:
E[ (x-xc)? ] 2 E[ (x - Xp + Xp - xc)? ] 9 0^ ( € ) * (3 - xc)?
Similarly, for y: ET (y-yc)? J= ( Ey ) + (Un - yo)? , and using
these results, expression (3) is reduced to:
E[? ]- à (x) * o! (£y) «rl
Going back, expression (2) is:
o (e)so (Ex) 0 (ey) * rj] rm? = o (ex) * o! (ey)
Since squared pixels are considered, it is known that G^ (EX) z
o? (ey). Then:
O (er ) = 2.1/12 = 0,16 pixels.
The standard deviation of the error on the longitude of diagonal
radii is:
O( er ) = VO ( er ) = 1 /N6 = 0,408 pixels.
It can be seen that the value of the standard deviation is about
the half of the maximum expected error:
1 d = M\EXmad* + \EYmad*)=M(12?+(1/2°)=0,707 pixels
There results agree with the intuitive perception (given by
geometry) that the error on diagonal radii due to the
discretization has a factor V2 with respect to that produced in
the horizontal (or vertical) radii (which corresponds to the
relationship between the diagonal and the side of a 1 pixel
Two possibilities have to be considered: on the one hand,
horizontal and vertical radii; on the other hand, diagonal radii.
Differences between two horizontal (or vertical, taking again
advantage of the squared pixels) radii are given by the
f» rl-r2 z (xl-xc) - (x2-xc) 2 x1-x2
fom ri,-Y259 (Xl,Xc) - (x2,rxc) 9 xl x2,
where x/ and x2 are the coordinates of the contour pixels inside
the image, which determine the longitude of r/ and 72
respectively; x1,, and x2,, are their discrete values and xc is the x
coordinate of the center of the polar transformation window.
The error on f,, due to the discretization, namely £f, depends on
the errors of x/,, and x2,. Remembering that ex = x-x,, .
& = f-fin =(x1-x2)-(X1 m-X2m) 2(x1- x15)-( x2-x2,) =ex1 - ex2
Since &f is the difference of two random variables of uniform
distribution, its probability function follows a triangular
distribution (figure 3):
-AX 0 AX
Figure 3. Triangular distribution for the error on radii
The maximum value is given by the expression:
|&f pad = 16x] pal + 1EX200l = AX/2 + A/2 = Ax = I pixel
Again, this is an infrequent value for the error, especially
considering that this error follows a triangular distribution. The
expectation may be calculated on the basis of the errors
associated to x/,, and x2,, as:
E[ef ] - E[£xl - £x2] 2 0
B[€x1- Ex2]=
[dxt [7 1 2) 230 i
x -Ax/2 Y eat =
and its variance can be evaluated using the independence of x/
and x2 [Sanchez, 89]:
À f )2 o exl )*o'( ex2 ) = 1/12+1/12 = 0,16 pixels?
So, the standard deviation for the error associated to the
difference of horizontal (or vertical) radii is:
0(&f)= VO ( ef) 1/V6 = 0,408 pixels.
For the case of diagonal radii:
r= (x- xc) + (y — yc)
Where (x, y) is the exact position of the pixel contour.
f-rl-r2. and fn = rl ray
To calculate &f, previous rl, £&r2 are used:
& =f fu= (r1-r2)- (rl -12y)= (rl- rly) - (r2-r2,)=¢rl - €r2
Its maximum value is: |&f ul = ler pul + 1672, =1,41 pixels