Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

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3 j Wave speed by Spatial Local Optimization : 
Observation time ~~ Wave speed by Observational data circ 
Fig.9 Result of time series of wave direction and wave speed by SLO poir 
Radar i nase of 9,Jan, 1906 20: 15 bris: 
me Al so gt Fig 
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Radar i image of 9,Jan,1996 20: 16_ and 
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* SZ V a Wave speed [nvs] 
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Redan image of, Jan,1996 20: Mo 
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Probability of direction [96] 
EH Primary image 
Hm Secondary image (2.5sec after Primary image) 
Wave direction 
w N 
Wave direction 
vw Wave direction by Radar 
a 5 
ON 2 = 
B. 0-39 
Probability of Wave speed [96] 
Wave speed [m/s] 
Wave speed [m/s] 
vene Wave speed by 
Solitary wave theory 
= Wave direction by 
Observational data 
Fig.10 2-D field of wave direction and wave speed by SLO 

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