0. 0.20.4 0.89/0.8 1 1.21.4 0 1. 1.21.4
Figure 7: Systematic error in the velocity estimate of a
moving random pattern using the least squares differential
method (left) of (Lucas and Kanade, 1981) and the total
least squares (tensor method) of (Haussecker and Jähne,
1997). Signal to noise ratio is one.
CCD cameras show significant large-scale and small-
scale spatial variations in the order of about 196, which
cannot be neglected and may show quite different spa-
tial variations for different cameras. Since these pat-
terns are static, they are superimposed to the real mo-
tion in the sequence. In parts of the sequence where
the local contrast is low, the static patterns dominate
the structure and thus a lower or even zero velocity is
The influence of such static patterns can nicely be
demonstrated for moving objects with low contrast
such as the slightly textured elephant in 6. Dirt on
the glass window of the CCD sensor causes spatial
variations in the responsivity of the sensor. At the
edges of the speckles, the smallest eigenvalue of the
structure tensor shows high values indicating motion
discontinuities. The motion field indeed shows drops
at the positions of the speckles. If a simple two-point
calibration is performed using the measured respon-
sivity and an image with a dark pattern, the influence
of the speckles is no longer visible both in the smallest
eigenvalues and the motion field.
Figure 7 shows a comparison of the least squares ap-
proach of Lucas and Kanade (1981) and the total least
squares (structure tensor) technique. While the least
squares technique shows a bias for increasing veloci-
ties, the total least squares technique does not show a
bias and performs better for all velocities within the
range of the temporal sampling theorem.
In order to prove the theoretical error limits of the
technique in real sequences, accuracy tests have been
performed. Defining the local noise portion (LNP)
as the ratio between the noise variance 9? and the
local variance varg(g,) = B(gn)? —(Bgn)? of the noisy
image gj
2 2
ape Io Bow OLIM 11
varg(gn) varg(g)+ 0?
we get a normalized measure quantifying the presence
of noise within a local neighborhood. A value of LNP
— 0.5 means that the noise variance lies in the same
displacement [Mframe]
5E-4 0,005 0,05 0,5
noise level (LNP):
e 0.00
eo 0.37
^ 0.70
v 0.90
computed displacement [pixels/frame]
- e] A dedii à. A Add
0,01 0,1 1 10
displacement [pixels/frame]
Figure 8: Subpixel accuracy of the tensor method. A si-
nusoidal pattern with a wavelength of 20 pixels has been
shifted from 0.01 pixels/frame up to the theoretical limit
of 10pixels/frame given by the temporal sampling theo-
rem. The contribution of noise to the signal within the
spatiotemporal region of support of the filters is quantified
by the local noise portion, LNP. The dashed lines indicate
relative errors of +5 %.
order as the local variance varg(g) of the noise-free
pattern g.
Figure 8 shows the results of the averaged optical flow
for a sinusoidal test pattern with additive noise of dif-
ferent LNPs. The result exhibits the high subpixel
accuracy of the structure tensor technique. The struc-
ture tensor technique was applied to a variety of appli-
cation examples from oceanography (IR ocean surface
images), botany (growth processes) and traffic scenes.
It proved to work well without any adaption to the
image content. Figure 9 shows examples of such se-
quences. As a nice detail the pedestrian in figure 9 is
about to lift his right leg which is clearly visible in the
optical flow field.
The structure tensor technique allows to compute
dense displacement vector fields from extended im-
age sequences with high subpixel accuracy. Addition-
ally, it yields a measure of certainty as well as a mea-
sure for the type of motion quantifying the presence of
an aperture problem. The structure tensor technique
proved to work well for a variety of applications. The
measures of coherency and aperture problem allow
the technique to automatically adapt to local spatio-
temporal image structures without additional param-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We gratefully ac-
knowledge financial support by the ‘Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft’, DFG, within the frame of
the research unit ‘Image Sequence Analysis to Inves-
tigate Dynamic Processes’.
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