Xt for example. Whilst
currently only semi-
nputing facilities are
| power for complete
ing the experiment if
Currently two geotechnical tests have been conducted
using the described system to monitor soil surface
change. In both cases these have been successfully
carried out in conjunction with a conventional single
camera system measuring displacements in the plane of
the window. A typical image from the 2D system
monitoring the front face of a model is shown in figure 2.
Figure 3 is a typical image from the middle camera, of the
set of three, viewing the top of the soil model.
3.1 Computed target locations and precisions
Since a bundle adjustment procedure has been
employed, all computations include an in-built statistical
analysis of the quality of all estimated parameters. For the
each of the 3D tests thus far carried out about 940 targets
were located in the soil surface. Of these about 90% were
imaged by all three cameras. Typical rms standard
deviations for the co-ordinated targets are 0.057mm,
0.042mm and 0.098mm in X, Y and Z axes respectively.
The lower precision in the Z direction is expected since
the camera configuration was limited by mechanical
constraints within the centrifuge such that all optical axes
were parallel to the Z axis to within about 20 degrees.
Whilst the quality of these results is not as good as that
obtained with displacement transducers, the large number
of target points provides a set of dense information
spaced evenly over the soil surface. Unfortunately
displacement transducers could not be used to provide an
independent check as their use would have obscured the
Soil surface.
3.2 Surfaces of change
Figure 4 shows the soil surface computed from the set of
images corresponding to figures 2 and 3 where the model
has all but collapsed. It should be noted that the depth
axis (Z) has been exaggerated in this figure. Figure 5 has
been computed by simple differencing of the grid
generated from images at the beginning of the experiment
and that from figure 4. These data, and others from the
sequence, are currently being analysed in conjunction
with 2D movements computed from images taken with the
single camera viewing the front of the sample. Of
particular interest are any discrepancies between the
movements in the soil surface close to the window and
those measured at the window by the conventional 2D
8). A 3D-measurement system able to monitor change in
surfaces of geotechnical models tested on a centrifuge
has been successfully designed, constructed, calibrated
and tested.
b). Initial results appear promising and will undoubtedly
enhance understanding of geotechnical events.
C). With the availability of low cost computing and imaging
hardware, there is considerable scope to further develop
and automate the technique.
d). It is expected that on-going developments in both
automation and visualisation of information will allow both
2D and 3D monitoring to take place on-line when real-time
feedback is required by the engineer.
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ISBN 0-8194-1962-1.
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1998. An image analysis system for determining
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press for: Proc. Centrifuge '98, Tokyo, September
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