Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

9-11 Nov. 1999 
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algorithm is suitable for 
s. Areas with steep slopes 
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a synthetic data set, where 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
check the quality of the parameters resulted from the surface 
matching algorithm. The surface gradients were extracted from 
the target surface by calculating local bilinear surface parameters. 
A stable solution for all selected sets of parameters was obtained 
within 3-4 iterations of the adjustment procedure. The 
determined values of the parameters were similar to those used 
for simulating the transformation of the source surface. The 
elevation differences between points on the transformed source 
surface and the target surface were smaller than the noise that was 
added initially to the target surface. 
In another test with the synthetic data, the influence of large 
errors in some points of the source surface was assessed when no 
efforts were made to recognize or eliminate the outliers. It was 
found that outliers in one or two points on the source surface do 
not affect the ability of the algorithm to determine the correct 
Figure 1: Synthetic test data. 
3.2 Experiments with real data 
Further testing was undertaken using airborne laser data and 
aerial imagery covering an urban site in Ocean City, Maryland. 
These data contain points acquired by the Airborne Topographic 
Mapper (ATM) laser system and panchromatic aerial 
photography from NGS. The ATM is a conical scanning laser 
altimeter developed by NASA for precise measurement of surface 
elevation changes in polar ice sheets, ocean beaches and drainage 
systems. The instrument combines high pulse rate with a scanning 
Figure 2 shows part of an aerial image that was taken as a test 
area. For this testing, planar surfaces of sloped roofs were 
measured manually on a digital photogrammetric workstation. 
Several combinations of these segments were used as the target 
surface. The results of this testing are shown here using two of 
these sets. The first set contains one row of buildings and the 
second set contains two parallel rows of buildings. 
Each planar segment was defined as a mathematical surface, 
Which was determined using a least-squares adjustment. For each 
segment, the appropriate points from the laser data set were found 
and elevation differences between the laser points and the roof 
segment were used as observations. The mathematical 
formulation enables the calculations of both these elevation 
differences and the gradients required for performing the 
matching procedure 
Figure 3 shows the laser points overlaid on the planar roof 
segments. A histogram of the height differences between the roof 
segments and the laser points was created, as shown in Figure 4. 
The relatively large average difference in elevation between the 
two data sets can be clearly observed. The histogram also shows 
the existence of outliers. These outliers are actually points on the 
ground, which have been mistakenly included in the areas being 
matched. The outliers were eliminated using a median filter with 
respect to the expected laser precision. The threshold is marked 
on the histogram by a pair of vertical lines. 
The algorithm described in Section 2 was applied to this data set. 
Due to the geometric characteristics of the surface (the set of roof 
planes), only three shifts can be determined accurately. The laser 
points were transformed using the determined parameters, and are 
shown in Figure 5. The respective histogram of the elevation 
differences is shown in Figure 6. It can be seen that the 
systematic shift of the elevations has been eliminated. 
The results for the second set, which covers a larger area, are 
shown in Figures 7-10. It can be seen that the systematic error is 
similar to the smaller set, i.e., it is consistent over the area. 
Figures 9 and 10 that the transformation was recovered in this 
case as well. 
Estimation of the accuracy of the parameters showed that their 
standard deviation is better than 10 cm both in horizontal and 
vertical directions. An elevation difference of approximately 
110 cm in elevation (consistent with the visual inspection of the 
histogram) and 40 cm in flight direction have been found. As 
mentioned earlier, no attempt has been made at this stage to 
analyze the source of these errors. 
Figure 2: Image coverage of the test area.

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