Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

The major factors a 
position of the lase 
accuracy model is re 
(DEMs) derived fron 
however it is not su 
large elevation erro 
within the footprint 
factors, such as the 
accuracy. We first | 
terrain. The analys 
aerial photographs 
surface points fron 
photographs. The c 
the laser points witl 
better way to comp 
and 3-D lines obtaii 
Airborne laser rang 
and dense samplin 
in an ever increasit 
employed for ice s 
forested areas, and 
tions, for example i 
The information tha 
tion, e.g. a DTM inc 
city model, is not ex 
set; rather, it must 
well features can be 
is a quality control 
There is no redund 
puting the 3-D pc 
Hence, no explicit « 
we rely on the assur 
points are good. Ar 
is its random distri 
aries. It would be 
hit the boundary o 
had we would not 
information about « 
We present a third : 
general quality con 
ing data and derive 
imagery and laser 1 
agery is immediatel 
analysis and interpr 
for the laser data fc 
tem that would res

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