Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

KEY WORDS: Urban ai 
This paper presents the 
IFSAR surface elevation 
roads, other geometrica 
applications such as url 
recent findings for autor 
extraction. In addition, 
Interferometric Synthetic 
of isolated and dense bu 
Geographical informati 
number of applications : 
of urban change and 
studies. Remote sensing 
methodology for pop! 
information — systems 
methodologies ^ includi 
multispectral and hyper 
Ranging (LIDAR), Syi 
Interferometric : Synthe 
information provided by 
be divided into two 
dimensional geometry 
imaging and SAR me 
properties of a scene. 
measurements provide 
Scene. The reflectance a 
used to provide land c 
three dimensional geom: 
data acquisition and | 
among these remote sei 
provide fast data acqui 
imaging capability. In 
information of an urban 
to provide land cover in 
of land cover informa 
interpretation of IFSAR 
radar multi-scattering e 
Next section is devoted 
procedure of the DEM d 
for integration of I 
generating an improved

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