Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

Because of their high pulse rate (1 to 80 kHz depending 
on the particular system and operational mode) and 
relatively small footprint (system- and operation- 
dependant but typically about 20 cm diameter) these 
systems are generally successful at penetrating foliage. 
In particular, they are able to penetrate to ground level 
with sufficient regularity (at least in leaf-off conditions) 
to provide “bald-earth’’ DEMs beneath forest canopy 
(Reiter, et al., 1999) with respectable, albeit somewhat 
de-graded accuracies compared to their bare ground 
performance. These systems also demonstrate 
advantages in dense urban core areas for acquiring 
building and ground elevations because of their 
relatively vertical geometry (in contrast to the side- 
looking radar geometry) so that loss of data due to 
building shadows (occlusions) is less onerous. The two 
prime disadvantages of laser from a user's point-of-view 
are (1) cost (see Figure 2 below) and (2) delivery. These 
issues make the use of laser problematic over large areas. 
In this paper we present three examples demonstrating 
the relative performance of STAR-3i DEMSs with respect 
to three laser systems in three different locations. In this 
instance, the laser data are being used as comparative 
‘truth’. However, the argument is presented that by 
using the systems in a complementary or synergistic 
fashion, the advantages of both may be exploited and 
their respective disadvantages muted. 
In Section 2, we provide a very brief introduction to the 
interferometric radar process in deference to the mostly 
laser-oriented audience at this workshop. The 
assumption is made that symmetry need not be 
preserved, as the workshop audience is very 
knowledgeable regarding the principles of scanning 
lasers. Section 3 provides a brief operational history of 
the STAR-3i system and is followed by an overview of 
the comparative performance parameters and cost 
relationships in Sections 4 and 5. The three application 
examples are presented in Section 6 and discussion and 
conclusions appear in Section 7. 
Throughout this paper we use the term DEM to reference 
the scattering surface whether it be bare-earth, canopy or 
structures. To differentiate, we refer to the ‘bald-earth 
DEM’ as being that surface or DEM from which heights 
associated with trees, forests, crops and other objects 
such as buildings have been removed. 
The interferometric process has been widely discussed in 
the literature, particularly for the case of repeat pass 
interferometry (e.g., Zebker and Villasenor, 1992 and 
Goldstein, et al., 1988). Some of the general issues 
associated with airborne interferometry have been 
discussed, for example, in Gray and Farris-Manning 
(1993). The geometry relevant to height extraction, *h', 
is illustrated in Figure 1. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
| | sale > 4 pixel 
In L id 
Figure 1: Schematic of Airborne Interferometric 
SAR Geometry 
If the two antennas, separated by baseline 'B', receive 
the back-scattered signal from the same ground pixel, 
there will be a path-difference ‘5’ between the two 
wavefronts. The baseline angle ‘0,’ is obtainable from 
the aircraft inertial system, the aircraft height is known 
from DGPS and the distance from antenna to pixel is the 
radar slant range. It is simple trigonometry to compute 
the target height ‘h’ in terms of these quantities. The 
path-difference is measured indirectly from the phase 
difference between the received wavefronts. Because the 
phase difference can only be measured between 0 and 27 
(modulo 27), there is an absolute phase ambiguity which 
is normally resolved with the aid of a coarse ground 
elevation estimate and a “phase unwrapping” technique 
(e.g. Goldstein, et al., 1988). Thus, the extraction of 
elevation is performed on the “unwrapped” phase. 
Intermap Technologies has been operating the STAR-3i 
system commercially since January, 1997. The system 
was developed by ERIM under contract to DARPA 
(Defense Advanced Research Projects) and was referred 
to as IFSARE at that time. The IFSARE system was 
described by Sos, et al. (1994), and is briefly 
summarized from an operational point of view in the 
following paragraphs. 
STAR-3i, an X-band, interferometric SAR, is carried in a 
Learjet 36 and is capable, under ideal circumstances, of 
imaging 30,000 km? in a single operational day. 
Positioning and motion compensation are achieved 
through use of a laser inertial reference platform closely 
coupled with differentially post-processed GPS. One of 
its operational mission modes would be performed at 
40,000 ft (12.2 km) ASL and in this mode it would 
collect 2.5 m? pixels across a 10 km ground swath. At 
lower altitudes, the signal-to-noise ratio is larger and 
thus the height noise decreases (Zebker and Villasenor, 
1992) thereby improving relative accuracy; however, 
swath width is reduced. The DEM created from the 
interferometric data is post-processed, and an ortho- 
rectified image (ORI) is simultaneously produced. A 
correlation image, 
correlation betweeir 
is used for qualit 
research — applicati 
acquisition is curre 
25,000 ft. 
Processing is curre 
Ultra SPARC II v 
unusual circumsta 
acquisition. Work 
new processor wh 
quasi-real time thrc 
Numerous tests ha 
under various ter 
internally and by 
The external test 
In Table 1, we 
(selected) of the th 
sets described in S 
of this table is to i 
the laser systems v 
standard operation 
parameters associa 
Operational Altitude 
Operational Speed 
Incidence Angles (thi 
Swath Width (grounc 
DEM Sample Spacin 
DEM Vertical Accura 
DEM Horizontal Acci 
Collection Rates 
Ortho-Rectified Imag 
Sensor Source 
1 Laser operating p: 
2 Laser accuracies : 
3 STAR-3i accuraci 
4 STAR-3i results a: 
5 STAR-3i absolute 
6 Typical STAR-3i a 
Table 1: Compai 
three commercial 

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