Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

3D city modelling is a 
necessity for higher de 
feature extraction for ¢ 
data capture at high re 
considered by Maas ai 
paper was created usir 
onto a 2m regular grid 
resolution LIDAR dat: 
The ability of the LID. 
parameters. An indust 
most successful at rec 
roof ridges to actual r 
greater for the industr 
scanning data can be u 
In recent years there 
availability of 3D des 
within urban areas. 1 
after for use in a wid 
planning and virtual 
the technology behir 
increasing requiremen 
looks at a possible « 
description, that of roc 
The field of feature e: 
decades by the use of 
processing. Building 
this field which focus 
outlines using edge d 
Attempts have been r 
roof detail suppleme 
Grüen and Dan (1997 
building line segmen 
priori building classif 
tested by Lang and 
models based on builc 
It is likely that this pr 
than the method ado

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