Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

queried in an attempt to derive roof ridge features from the 
pixels. These features were then vectorised and edited. Small 
error lines were removed and where possible ridge lines were 
extended and attached to the original building outlines. 
The algorithms were tested on buildings whose roof structure 
was dominated by a main central ridge running parallel to 
either of the key planimetric axes of the building (e.g. building 
on left side of Figure 2). The assumption was that if the LIDAR 
data could not extract the main ridge then it would not be able 
to extract the finer elements of the roof structure. Some of the 
industrial buildings were composed of multiple main ridges 
and attempts were made to extract all these features. 
3.3.1 Elevation. For each building the assumption made was 
that the main ridge was the highest region of the building. The 
higher the pixel value, the more likely that pixel holds ridge 
information. The algorithm looked at the top 5-15% of roof 
pixel values in an attempt to extract a continuous linear pixel 
grouping of elevation values that represent the main ridge. 
3.3.2 Slope. Around the main ridge, slope values change 
abruptly, being close to zero at the ridge itself. The lowest 15- 
30% of slope values were tested for their ridge extraction 
3.3.3 Aspect. All buildings were assumed to be comprised of 
two sloping roof segments joined by the main ridge. Aspect 
values were split into two groups each representing one of the 
two roof segments. The median aspect value was taken as the 
threshold pixel value that separated the two groups. Values 
below the threshold were classified as one and values above as 
two. This created a border between the one and two pixels that 
was extracted through vectorisation as the roof ridge. 
Statistics were produced from the assessment of the LIDAR 
data set for roof ridge extraction. One statistic compared the 
algorithm derived roof ridges with those collected in the field. 
If a derived ridge was near parallel and close to the actual 
building ridge then this was marked as a successful ridge 
derivation. The decision as to whether a derived ridge matched 
an actual ridge was made qualitatively from a visual 
assessment. A percentage score was calculated for the number 
of derived ridges that matched the actual ridges (Table 1). 
A statistic was also produced that split the successfully derived 
ridges into two groups. Those that exactly matched the actual 
ridge in orientation and location were separated from those 
classed as near matches. Table 2 shows the absolute number 
and percentage of exactly matching derived ridges. 
4.1 Algorithm Comparison 
The aspect parameter derived from the gridded LIDAR data is 
the most successful at roof ridge extraction (Table 1). It 
performs better at both the residential and industrial sites. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
Derived/ Percentage Derived/ — 
Actual Ridges : Actual Ridges 
Parameter Residential Industrial Residential Industrial 
Aspect 68/204 36/42 33.33 SS 
Slope 50/204 22/42 24.51 82.38 
Elevation 27/204 18/42 13.24 42.86 
Table 1 Comparison of algorithm derived ridges for each 
parameter to actual ridges. 
Exact Match Derived Percentage of Derived 
Ridges/Total Number of Ridges that Exactly Match 
Derived Ridges Actual Ridges 
Parameter Residential Industrial Residential Industrial 
Aspect 35/68 28/36 51.47 77.78 
Slope 47/51 22/22 92.16 100 
Elevation 27/27 18/19 100.00 94.74 
Table 2 Comparison of exactly matched derived ridges to total 
number of derived ridges. 
Slope is the next most effective parameter at ridge extraction 
followed by elevation. The lowest 25% of slope values and top 
10% of elevation values were found to be the most effective in 
representing roof ridges. Figures 6a-e illustrate how each 
parameter responds to an example building from the LIDAR 
data set. Figure 6a is a 3D visualisation of a large; simple 
roofed industrial building. It has two main roof sections, one 
high and one low. Both sections are made up of two roof 
segments that converge to a central ridge. 
The performance of aspect is shown in Figure 6b. The two roof 
segments can be clearly seen with a definite grey scale break 
that defines the main ridge (Figure 6b.i). Both segments do 
have some noisy pixels, but these are removed during the 
execution of the aspect algorithm which groups all pixels 
together for a particular roof segment. The extracted lines 
based on the aspect values are shown in Figure 6b.ii. The main 
ridge is successfully extracted on both levels of the building. 
So too is the inverse ridge that marks the boundary between the 
two roof sections. Several error lines can also be seen. These 
are mainly due to the LIDAR sensor picking up the vertical 
building sides and representing them as sloping roof segments 
producing error ridges. This effect can be partly attributed to 
the low scan angle of the LIDAR sensor distorting the building 
For the slope and elevation algorithms, a certain range of 
percentage values were extracted for each building to represent 
the main ridge. This differs from the aspect algorithm which 
focuses on homogenising the roof segments before the ridge 
was extracted. The slope parameter manages to avoid the noisy 
building edges because the slope values are high in those areas 
and only the low slope values were queried in the algorithm. 
This produces a cleaner representation of both main ridges. 
The elevation parameter also avoids the noisy building edge 
(Figure 6d). However, it is even less useful than the slope 
algorithm as it only 1 
ridges present on the | 
hand side is lower 
algorithm extracts hig 
ridge, and therefore ¢ 
necessarily a proble 
common for only one 
areas multiple ridge b 
b.i. Aspect value 
c.i. Slope values 
d.i. Elevation val 
Figure 6 Roo 
Figure 6e is the a 
processing stage, w 
removed manually i 
ridges extended wh 
Structure. Error ridg 
using the slope param 
seem to cause the errc 
Although the aspect 
of roof ridges compai 
exact matches is low 
have near perfect rec 
greater exploratory n: 
is made between the

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