Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
is possible to extract height 
ment which could be used to 
Mabases with quantitative 3D 
iutomation may be necessary for 
oof ridges acting as guidelines 
| of the roof structure. 
se of relatively low resolution 
| of roof detail from buildings, 
ng. A 2D spatial database of 
ised to locate the roof extents. 
to test the LIDAR data, an 
nple roofed buildings, and a 
1ildings and more complex roof 
f LIDAR elevation, aspect and 
e made to extract the main roof 
gest that it is possible to extract 
ta, especially for large buildings 
he aspect parameter performed 
majority of ridges from the 
dges using aspect, just over half 
natches. In the residential areas, 
complex roof structures made it 
ata to produce meaningful roof 
imilar or lower resolutions will 
problems experienced in this 
lanimetric accuracy levels of the 
> to the extraction of accurately 
detail. The problems with the 
ven though the buildings used in 
relatively simplistic structures. 
level of roof detail extracted in 
pplications such as visualisation 
A semi-automated approach to 
eed to be employed for these 
lges can be used as a guide for 
tent and nature of the ridges. To 
etail that can be extracted from 
on, or rather the original point 
" should be made more dense. 
he cost of the data and make it 
r scanner users. LIDAR data 
nproved further, as well as the 
n LIDAR data and any assisting 
data set used in this paper. Until 
Tr scanner instruments becomes 
st of the technology decreases, 
r scanner data can be used to 
| buildings. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
We would like to thank Dave Holland, Sallie Payne and all at 
the Ordnance Survey for help and advice. The Ordnance 
Survey of Britain kindly provided the Land-Line data set. 
Thanks to the Environment Agency for the supply of the 
LIDAR data. Research and computing facilities were made 
available by the School of Geography, University of 
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