Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
n the building polygons and the 
the formula used is as shown in 
ion available within ARC/INFO 
using the building polygon as a 
potential locational mismatch 
id the LIDAR DSM could also 
d. Dev. because the heights of 
roneously be placed within the 
z) [2] 
ithin a building polygon , Z is 
olygon and z is the height value 
on of Std. Dev. on the building 
erid resolutions can be found in 
from LIDAR DSM and mean 
the RMSE is not related to the 
| rather is used to detect relative 
vs the vertical roof heights for 
gs for the derived 3D model at 
both residential and industrial 
he grid resolution of the LIDAR 
lowever, there is a difference 
its of residential and industrial 
eight of residential buildings 
the LIDAR DSM grid resolution 
re 12). On the other hand, even 
though the vertical roof height of industrial buildings decreases as 
the grid resolution increases, it consistently shows a higher 
vertical roof height compared to residential buildings. The values 
for the computed vertical roof height are between 4.1m and 2.4m 
as the grid resolution increases. It appears, therefore, from Figure 
12, that industrial buildings have a higher vertical roof height 
compared to residential buildings. Differentiation of the two 
building types by analysing the vertical roof height at various grid 
resolutions between 2m to 20m seems possible. It is also found 
that, the maximum difference between the computed vertical roof 
height (1.70m) is experienced at 2m-grid resolution. It is 
suggested that differentiating the building type at a smaller grid 
resolution (less than 2m) will improve the result. This is due to 
the fact that more height values will be available from the LIDAR 
DSM and the possibilities of detecting the ‘true’ maximum height 
of both building types is therefore greater. Further studies in 
relation to this effect will be carried out. In general, it is shown 
that the vertical roof height that corresponds to industrial 
buildings is higher than residential buildings. 
Height (m) 
4 4 son] pio gy ame si vio | 
27 li a le ge 
0 T Grid Resolution 
2m 4m 6m 8m | 10m | 12m | 14m | 16m | 18m | 20m 
—0— Resident] 24 | 17 | 13 | 13 | 12 | 16 | 18 | 16 | 16 | 13 
~o—induswial | 41 | 32 | 27 | 29 | 28 | 29. 27 | 28 | 25 | 24 
Figure 12: Vertical roof heights for the residential and industrial 
buildings (Maximum height derived from the LIDAR DSM to 
construct the 3D model and for control height, 3D model 
constructed using the mean height from 2m-grid resolution 
4.2 Mean height derived from LIDAR DSM and mean 
height as control 
As noted in Section 3.1 (Case IT), apart from using the maximum 
height from the LIDAR DSM to construct the 3D model, the use 
of mean height is also analysed. In this case, apart from 
understanding the roof height differences between the two 
building types, accuracy estimates for the derived model using the 
mean height from the LIDAR DSM are known. It is shown that 
grid resolution in the LIDAR DSM plays an important role in 
constructing the 3D model. The accuracy estimates for both 
building types constructed using the mean height from the 
LIDAR DSM increases as the grid resolution increases (Figure 
RMSE (m) 
| ; ; 
0 J Grid Resolution 
- T T 
| 2m 4m 6m | 8m 10m | 12m 14m 16m 18m 20m 
Fo rl | 
|—@— Residential 0 0.5 0.9 12 1.0 1.6 1.9 16 16 16 
| | | 
---.-t : : 
—e— Industrial | © 05 1.0 15 [15 | 18 17 17 19 | 17 
—— 1 : | | | 
Figure 13: RMSE for the residential and industrial building (mean 
height derived from the LIDAR DSM to construct the 3D model 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
and for control height, 3D model constructed using the mean 
height from 2m-grid resolution LIDAR DSM). 
Figure 13 shows that both building types exhibit an increase in 
RMSE as the 3D model is constructed with an increase in LIDAR 
DSM grid resolution. This indicates that the roof structure of both 
of the building types is not flat and shows some variation in 
height. The industrial buildings, in general, have a slightly higher 
RMSE compared to residential buildings. 
4.3 Maximum height derived from LIDAR DSM and 
maximum height as control 
Figure 14 shows the RMSE plot for the residential and industrial 
buildings when the maximum height is used to construct the 3D 
models at various grid resolutions. The control height adopted in 
Case III is the height of a 3D model constructed using the 
maximum height from the 2m-grid LIDAR DSM. 
RMSE (m) 
> Grid Resolution 
2m 4m 6m 8m | 10m [12m | 14m [16m | tem | 20m 
—@-— Residential | O 0.9 17 22 2.2 2.9 17 34 | si 27 
i 0 1.1 2.0 2.9 2.6 3.2 1.8 28122 25 
—@E— Industrial | | 
Figure 14: RMSE for the residential and industrial building 
(maximum height derived from the LIDAR DSM to construct the 
3D model and for control height, 3D model constructed using the 
maximum height from 2m-grid resolution LIDAR DSM). 
Figure 14 shows that the RMSE for residential and industrial 
buildings increases as the grid resolution increases. In these plots, 
there are no distinct differences between the pattern of RMSE for 
residential and industrial buildings. However, industrial buildings 
appear to exhibit higher RMSE values compared to residential 
buildings. One of the advantages observed from Figures 13 and 
14 is that RMSE values computed using the mean height derived 
from the LIDAR DSM (Figure 13) are much smaller compared to 
the equivalent values derived using the maximum height (Figure 
14). It appears that 3D models constructed using the mean height 
from the LIDAR DSM are more reliable than using the maximum 
height. This is due to the fact that the mean height reduces the 
risk that derived building heights are influenced by localised high 
points such as tall chimneys or by the inclusion of adjacent 
ground heights resulting from mismatch between the LIDAR data 
and the polygon data. However, for certain applications, such as 
the computation of inter-visibility between two points or 
telecommunications applications, the use of maximum height 
from the LIDAR DSM to construct the 3D model would be more 
4.4 Maximum height derived from LIDAR DSM and mean 
height as control for individual buildings 
Referring to Figures 12 to 14, it can be concluded that there is 
some sort of typical variation in vertical roof height for both 
building type. Industrial buildings appear to have a higher

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