Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

vertical roof height than residential buildings. Categorising the 
building types using RMSE as discussed in section 4.1 to 4.3 
therefore appears to be possible. Even though there is difference 
in roof height between the two building types, could the 
complexity of the roof structure be examined to a certain extent? 
To investigate this idea further, the height difference between the 
derived height from the 3D models constructed at various grid 
resolutions, and a control height is determined. In this case, the 
3D model is constructed using the maximum height derived from 
the LIDAR DSM from 2m to 10m in grid resolution. For the 
control height, a 3D model constructed using the 2m-grid 
resolution LIDAR DSM was used. Four randomly selected 
residential and industrial buildings are identified. Figure 15 and 
Figure 16 shows the difference between the derived height and 
the control height for the selected building using a grid resolution 
of between 2m and 10m with 2m-grid interval for the residential 
and industrial buildings respectively. There is a distinct difference 
between the two plots corresponding to the residential and the 
industrial buildings. From Figure 15, it is clear that the residential 
buildings (a, b, c, and d) exhibit a high variation in height 
(derived height — control height) as LIDAR DSM grid resolution 
increases. This is due to the complex roof structure of residential 
buildings, which have roofs of varying shape and height. For 
industrial buildings (j, k, l, and m), the variation seems to be more 
consistent beyond a grid resolution of 4m, as shown in Figure 16. 
This effect might be due to the fact that the roof structures of 
industrial buildings are less complex (i.e., exhibit less height 
variation). Categorising building type by analysing the difference 
between the derived height and the control height for each 
building as illustrated in Figure 15 and Figure 16 seems possible. 
Differences (m) 
3 Building id. 
2.5 ea 
2 #6 
1.5 OC 
1 Ed 
Grid Resolution .(m) 
Figure 15: The difference between derived height and control 
height for residential buildings. 
Differences (m) 
71 Building id. 
6; €. — | 
51 SN ok 
| 3 
A T NL el 
31 : 
21 TN 
Grid Resolution (m) 
Figure 16: The difference between derived maximum height and 
control height for industrial buildings. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
4.5 Effect of Standard Deviation (Std. Dev.) on building 
In the final part of the study, the variation of the Std. Dev. 
measure for residential and the industrial buildings at various 
LIDAR DSM grid resolutions is investigated. Figure 17 shows 
the computed mean Std. Dev. for two samples of size 35 and 7 for 
residential and industrial buildings respectively at various grid 
resolutions. There is a distinct difference between the computed 
mean Std. Dev. for residential and industrial buildings. The 
computed mean Std. Dev. for residential building decreases 
sharply from 1.6m to zero as grid resolution increases from 2m to 
14m. This is partly because the surface area of residential 
buildings is small, and so the value of the mean Std. Dev. 
converges to zero as a result of averaging as the grid resolution 
increases. However, for industrial buildings, the computed mean 
Std. Dev. decreases steadily from 2m to 1.1m as grid resolution 
increases from 2m to 16m and is almost constant beyond a 16m- 
grid resolution. This is probably due to the large surface area of 
industrial buildings, which gives a more consistent mean Std. 
Dev. over this range of cell resolutions. Therefore, if the size of 
the building is a significant factor in categorisation, 
understanding the effect of mean Std. Dev. at various grid 
resolutions appears to be a reasonable approach. 
Mean Std. Dev. (m) 
Grid Resolution 
2m 4m 6m 8m 10m 12m 14m 16m 18m 20m 
—e— Residential! 1.6 12 1 0.5 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 0 
—e— Industrial 2 1.9 1.7 1.8 2 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.2 
Figure 17: Mean Std. Dev. for residential and industrial building 
at various grid resolutions. 
Furthermore, since there is a distinct difference between the mean 
Std. Dev. for residential and industrial buildings at various grid 
resolutions, the ability of the Std. Dev. measure to identify 
individual buildings is also investigated for randomly selected 
buildings from each site. 
Figure 18 shows the computed Std. Dev. for residential buildings 
using grid resolutions ranging from 2m to 10m. The Std. Dev. for 
each residential building (p, q, r and s) converges to zero at a grid 
resolution of 10m. As mentioned earlier, this is due to the effects 
of averaging. On the other hand, due to the complexity of the roof 
shape of the residential buildings, significant variation in Std. 
Dev. is seen at grid resolutions between 2m and 10m. Figure 19 
depicts the computed Std. Dev. for the selected industrial building 
(t, u, v and w) using grid resolutions of 2m to 10m. The computed 
Std. Dev. values are almost constant in the industrial buildings 
between grid resolutions of 2m to 10m. This is partly due to the 
low-complexity of the roof structures as well as the greater 
surface areas of industrial buildings. The behaviour of the Sid. 
: Dev. for individual buildings appears to reveal properties of the 
nature of the roof ty 
the two building type 
Std. Dev. (m) 
Figure 18: Std. De 
and s) using 2r 
Std. Dev. (m) 
2  -—Q 
1.5 B 
Figure 19: Std. Dev 
W) at 2m to 
Differentiating betwe 
using simple statistic: 
possible. The findin 
categorising resident 
automated fashion. T 
e By examining tl 
structures of re 
e The complexity 
types can be e 
individual buil 
* The use of mear 
models using th 
RMSE comparec 
*  Categorising the 
grid resolutions 
be useful for cer

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