Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

KEY WORDS: Glacier: 
The Arctic ice caps and 
changes in global sea le 
state of mass balance of 
analysis of precise eleva 
with the Airborne Top 
quantitatively measure a 
the most direct large-sca 
the study of flow charact 
This work is a complem 
smaller ice masses with 
interesting thickening an 
near the margins and in 
complement to the resul 
Arctic ice masses. 
Understanding the beh 
changing present-day cl 
reasons. First, the Arcti 
changes in Global clime 
albedo feedback effects : 
metamorphism processe 
reflective with an alb 
temperatures rise, and tl 
reduces to 60 to 7096. TI 
in absorbed energy, whi 
Even in the absence of 
grain growth, which in t 
similar self-compoundin 
Because of this unstable | 
System are greatly amplif; 
ice-covered areas. 
Secondly, the large ice r 
been rising at a rate of 
century. In a warming cli 
can increase sea level if tl 
loss through ablation an 
that they can reduce the ri 
balance, ie. if they ar 
accumulation. For the 
Antarctica, the current mz 
the smaller ice masses, :

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