Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

The mass balance of : 
sea level. It could b 
techniques available | 
from an aircraft with 
precise and of coveri 
portions of the ice sl 
sheet change. 
Laser altimetry is ex 
Antarctica. A majo 
changing and affecti 
locating the source o: 
propagation style so t 
deduced. Studies ha 
tool in mapping anc 
(Echelmeyer et al., 
Greenland (Csatho et 
Williams, 1993; Krab 
to monitor changes o 
present contribution. 
This report addresse: 
altimetry in Antarctic; 
1997-98 austral sum 
January 2000. Data 
make surface maps 
Antarctica, although 
presented here. The 
With one another to 
areas surveyed using 
system accuracy. Lo 
flights that go near m 
coffee-cans that are p: 
and Hamilton, pers. 
regions will be used tc 
Unique features of W 
the focus of this stud: 
conduits that drain W 
east of the Ross Sea r 
Coast. The ice strean 
long, usually greater 
lubricated flow. Unli 
not follow bedrock tr

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