Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

Tree height is considered one of the most useful variables, along 
with stocking and diameter at breast height, in estimating forest 
stand wood volumes and productivity. It also determines the light 
penetration in the forest canopy and is of importance for certain 
habitat studies. It is however one of the most difficult variable to 
measure when forest covers are dense. Ground measurements can 
take a few minutes per tree and are error prone. Alternatives 
include automated photogrammetric approaches that consist in 
finding the difference between tree altitude and nearby ground 
altitude using stereo comparison. Because seeing the ground is of 
critical importance, good results can only be obtained in open 
forest covers, a situation seldom encountered in mature 
commercial stands of the boreal forest. One-dimensional radar or 
lidar resolve this problem by being able to penetrate the forest 
covers to a good extent and getting a clear echo from the ground. 
Lidar-based techniques were successfully used to estimate basal 
area, volume and biomass (Nelson et al., 1997, Lefsky et al., 
1999) as well as accurate mean stand height estimations (Naesset, 
1997) and percent canopy cover (Ritchie et al., 1993; Weltz et 
al., 1994). Estimating tree height from small footprint one- 
dimensional data can however only be accomplished by building 
statistical relationships between spot height data and average tree 
height in a stand since it is very difficult to establish if a 
particular impulse was echoed by the top of a tree or by its side. 
Moreover, mapping the forest cover by creating continuous 
coverage is impossible. Recent technological developments in 
laser remote sensing will most likely improve remote sensing 
measurements of trees. Indeed, scanning laser altimetry can now 
provide sub-meter resolution DTMs, i.e. continuous coverages, of 
both canopy top and underlying terrain, with high horizontal and 
vertical accuracy (Flood and Gutelius, 1997). High point densities 
even enable the recognition of the shape of individual tree 
crowns. While scanning laser altimetry provides a solution, 
estimating the height on an individual tree using such an 
approach requires that a laser spot fall near the point of maximum 
height, an event that cannot normally be verified unless ancillary 
data is available. The advent of high resolution satellites, such as 
IKONOS, a 1-m resolution launched on September 24th 1999, 
will help in obtaining imagery putting laser data in context. 
Meanwhile, aerial imagery can be used for that purpose. 
Our general objective is to evaluate the usefulness of combining 
high density scanning laser altimetry to high resolution 
multispectral data to measure the accuracy of the estimation of 
individual tree height (this paper), wood volume per hectare, 
productivity, for dense and mature stands of the boreal tree 
forest. The combination of tree height data and variables such 
as drainage derived from the laser DTM are also used to study 
the relationships between ecological factors and productivity. 
The general approach we follow consists in overlaying 
multispectral imagery over interpolated laser data to help locate 
trees and verify if a given tree was hit near the center of its 
crown, i.e., at the most probable location of the highest point in 
the tree. This paper is specifically concerned with the accuracy 
assessment of laser prediction of individual tree heights. We 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
show how the laser data was obtained and geometrically 
matched with 50 cm resolution multispectral imagery. We then 
show how ground measurements were correlated with laser 
measurements for trees that have a good hit coverage. Factors 
determining height prediction errors are then discussed. 
Data and methods have been developed and tested for the 
Training and Research Forest of Lake Duparquet (TRFLD), a 
80 square km of the boreal forest in the Abitibi region, Quebec 
(79.3 W, 48.5 N), which is part of the Forest Ecosystem 
Research Network of Sites. The boreal forest is the largest forest 
biome, covering 17% of the terrestrial land. Its floristic 
composition is rather simple, indeed, only nine species are 
commonly found. The forest landscape at the TRFLD is 
essentially composed of hardwood, softwood and mixed stands 
aged from 50 to more than 230 years growing on a part of the 
Canadian shield culminating at 382 m. Common species 
include: Trembling aspen (populus tremuloides), White spruce 
(picea glauca), White birch (betula paperifera), Balsam fir 
(abies balsamea), severely attacked by spruce budworm, Jack 
pine (pinus banksiana), Eastern cedar (thuya occidentalis), and 
Black spruce (picea mariana). The study site was commercially 
exploited until 1992 and bears regeneration areas. This test area 
was chosen for its landscape and habitat diversity, 
representative of the mixed boreal forest, the wide availability 
of data, and the important collaborative effort between 
universities, forest companies and the socio-economic 
Airborne scanning laser altimetry data 
Scanning laser altimetry data was acquired on June 28th 1998 
using Optech’s ALTM 1020 instrument on a Piper Navajo plane 
flying at 700 m. Separate passes were needed for vegetation 
(two passes) and terrain description (single pass) respectively. 
Vegetation/terrain separation was carried out by the data 
provider using Optech’s ALTM software. Flight, laser and GPS 
characteristics are presented in Table 1 and a sample of the 
derived imagery is presented in Figure 1. The impulse 
frequency combined with the lowest sustainable flight speed 
and altitude did not allow to achieve the desired laser hit 
density of one hit every 50 cm. To alleviate this problem, each 
flight line was flown twice in an effort to double point density 
for the first return (vegetation). However, since some first pass 
hits fall very near the second pass hits, the effective hit density 
was increased but not usefully doubled. This does not constitute 
a severe operational limitation because of the existence of 
higher frequency instruments and the possibility of using a 
helicopter. However, it does have consequences on this study S 
results. Still it provides a very good database to carry out à 
crossover study to assess laser accuracy (not presented in this 
International / 
Multispectral imagery 
The area covered by I: 
before (September 27tl 
camera, functioning in 
airplane. The videotape 
multispectral digital im: 
characteristics of the n 
presented in table 2. A s: 
in figure 2. Tree growtk 
(multispectral data) and 1 
(laser data) is minimal a 
allowing for direct comy 
shape) between the two ¢ 
Ground measures 
The height of individua 
using a standard clinorr 
measures were taken fror 
at least 90 degrees to i 
measures. Trees for whic 
more than 3 meters or by 
errors in comparing lase; 
be attributed to the laser 1 
well measured trees wer 
ground measurements. ' 
Trembling Aspen (Popi 
(Picea glauca) but some 
were measured. Of the aj 
40 had been positioned c 
at the time of paper subr 
trees remained. Other g 
breast height, crown ra 
directions, species, and G 
was used as a base 
differential data on a c 
served as the mobile ui 
epochs were obtained f 
maximum error after diffe 
three meters for most tree 
4 MI 
Creation of the Canopy | 
The Canopy Height Mode 
the interpolated terrain al 
altitudes. Triangulated irr 
the X,Y,Z points was cor 
using Surfer 6.04. 
A TIN interpolation as 
between points, a fact that 
However, the choice of a 
have to rely on appropriate

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