Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

topography. This suggests to determine the systematic 
errors based on known deviations of the computed sur- 
face. Take Eq. 16, for example. This simple equation 
permits to compute the effective angular error ó', such 
as a mounting bias error. Another example is the de- 
termination of a positional error of a profiling system. 
Eq. 11 can be used to determine the effective positional 
error 5'. However, this would require that we determine 
elevation differences Az between the true and the com- 
puted surface—a trivial problem at first sight. A closer 
examination reveals a fundamental problem: how do we 
compare two surfaces that are represented by irregularly 
distributed points? Section 4.2 addresses this general 
Other challenges of how to calibrate ALR systems loom 
ahead. Some systematic errors are correlated. For ex- 
ample, one can obtain the same elevation differences 
or surface deformations either with a positional error or 
angular error. Imagine the mounting bias error is in the 
flight direction. Now, the effect of the angular error is 
very similar to a positional error—the two error sources 
cannot be separated. The calibration of cameras is also 
confronted with the same problem. Here, the parame- 
ter dependency is solved by choosing a proper calibra- 
tion surface and decoupling those parameters that are 
closely correlated. Choosing a suitable topography of 
the calibration surface is an important issue in calibrat- 
ing ALR systems. There is no consensus as to what type 
of surfaces should be used to determine systematic er- 
rors and calibration procedures remain ad hoc. Part of 
the problem is related to the sheer impossibility of iden- 
tifying the laser footprint on a known surface. Another 
subtlety is the mathematical model that relates the laser 
surface to the true surface. As demonstrated in Sec- 
tion 3, most systematic errors cause surface deforma- 
tions. Consequently, a simple similarity transformation 
would not properly describe the relationship. 2 
Filinet al. (1999) propose a new calibration scheme that 
addresses some of the issues raised here and offers so- 
lutions. Itis a laudable attempt to make laser calibration 
more transparent and, at the same time, better suitable 
for quality assessment. 
4.2 Comparison of Surfaces 
Comparing surfaces is a fundamental, frequently occur- 
ring problem when generating DTMs. Calibrating ALR 
systems is a good example. Here, a known surface is 
compared with the laser point surface and based on the 
differences, calibration parameters are determined. An 
interesting application is change detection where sur- 
faces, determined at different times, are compared in 
order to identify surface changes that may serve as a 
basis for volumetric calculations. Merging two or more 
data sets that describe the same physical surface is yet 
another standard task. All these cases have in common 
that the discrete points that describe the same surface 
are spatially differently distributed, may have different 
sampling densities and accuracies. 
The standard solution is to interpolate the data sets to 
a common grid followed by comparing the elevations 
at the grid posts. Although this popular approach is 
straightforward it is not without problems. For one, the 
elevations at the grid posts are affected by the interpo- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
lation. Moreover, the differences between the two sur- 
faces are expressed along the z — axis which may not be 
very meaningful for tilted surfaces. Take the extreme 
example of a vertical surface; Az values contain no in- 
formation about how close the surfaces are. 
Schenk (1999) describes a surface comparison method 
that is based on computing differences along surface 
normals, without interpolating the data sets to a com- 
mon grid. We present the problem statement, the pro- 
posed solution and briefly describe the mathematical 
Problem Statement Let S; = {p1,P2,... ,Pn} be a sur- 
face described by n discrete points p that are randomly 
distributed. Let S» = {q1,d2,-.. ,Gm!} be a second sur- 
face described by m randomly distributed points q. Sup- 
pose that the two sets, in fact, are describing the same 
surface but in different reference systems. In the ab- 
solute orientation problem, set S» is the model system 
and set Sy is referenced in an object space system. After 
proper transformation we have S, — S», except for dif- 
ferences due to random errors of the observed points p 
and q. Yet another difference may arise from the discrete 
representation of the surfaces, for example, n - m. 
Even in cases where n = n, the different distribution 
may cause a differently interpolated surface. Suppose 
further that no points in the two sets are known to be 
identical (same surface point). The problem is now to es- 
tablish a transformation between the two sets such that 
the two surfaces S, and S, become as similar as possible 
in terms of closeness and shape. 
Solution The problem described is cast as an adjust- 
ment problem where the second set of points q is trans- 
formed to the first set such that the differences between 
the two surfaces are minimized. Additionally, the orien- 
tation of surface normals between S, and S» can also be 
minimized. Minimizing the distances assures the best 
positional fit while minimizing differences in surface nor- 
mals assures the best shape fit. 
Mathematical Model Let the points q be transformed 
into the coordinate system of the first set by a 3-D simi- 
larity transformation 
'2 sRq-t (19) 
The observation equations are defined by the shortest 
distance from q' to the surface S1. Two scenarios are 
feasible for expressing surface S;. Let us first approx- 
imate S; in the neighborhood of q’ by a plane, for ex- 
ample by fitting a plane through points p confined to 
a small spatial extent (surface patch). Then, the short- 
est distance d from q' to the surface patch, expressed in 
Hessian normal form, using the three directional cosines 
and the distance p from the origin, is 
d-q-h-p (20) 
with h = [cos œ, cos B, cos y ]" 
The following expression is the observation equation for 
point q 
The observation 
imations for th 
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Figure 14: Illus 
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4.3 Post-Proc 
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