Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
s obtained and geometrically 
multispectral imagery. We then 
its were correlated with laser 
e a good hit coverage. Factors 
ors are then discussed. 
developed and tested for the 
f Lake Duparquet (TRFLD), a 
t in the Abitibi region, Quebec 
part of the Forest Ecosystem 
oreal forest is the largest forest 
terrestrial land. Its floristic 
indeed, only nine species are 
landscape at the TRFLD is 
od, softwood and mixed stands 
years growing on a part of the 
at 382 m. Common species 
lus tremuloides), White spruce 
etula paperifera), Balsam fir 
'ked by spruce budworm, Jack 
cedar (thuya occidentalis), and 
he study site was commercially 
generation areas. This test area 
ape and habitat diversity, 
cal forest, the wide availability 
collaborative effort between 
s and the socio-economic 
'try data 
as acquired on June 28th 1998 
rument on a Piper Navajo plane 
es were needed for vegetation 
tion (single pass) respectively. 
was carried out by the data 
software. Flight, laser and GPS 
Table 1 and a sample of the 
| in Figure 1. The impulse 
owest sustainable flight speed 
achieve the desired laser hit 
To alleviate this problem, each 
n effort to double point density 
However, since some first pass 
ss hits, the effective hit density 
oubled. This does not constitute 
| because of the existence of 
and the possibility of using à 
ve consequences on this study's 
good database to carry out à 
accuracy (not presented in this 
Multispectral imagery 
The area covered by laser data had been surveyed the year 
before (September 27th, 1997) using a Super VHS video 
camera, functioning in zoom mode, mounted onboard an 
airplane. The videotape was later converted to a series of 
multispectral digital images having a 50 cm resolution. The 
characteristics of the multispectral digital video survey are 
presented in table 2. A sample of the digital images is presented 
in figure 2. Tree growth between the end of September 1998 
(multispectral data) and the end of the following month of June 
(laser data) is minimal at these latitudes (48.48 degrees north), 
allowing for direct comparison of the geometry of trees (size, 
shape) between the two dates. 
Ground measures 
The height of individual trees was measured on the ground 
using a standard clinometer and distance tape method. Two 
measures were taken from different vantage points separated by 
at least 90 degrees to insure independence between the two 
measures. Trees for which the two height measures differed by 
more than 3 meters or by more than 1596 were discarded so that 
errors in comparing laser heights to acfual heights can mostly 
be attributed to the laser methodology. These two heights for all 
well measured trees were later used to assess the accuracy of 
ground measurements. The study focused on two species: 
Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) and White Spruce 
(Picea glauca) but some other species mentioned in section 2 
were measured. Of the approximately 200 trees measured, only 
40 had been positioned on the laser and multispectral imagery 
at the time of paper submittal. After ground error filtering, 36 
trees remained. Other ground measures include: diameter at 
breast height, crown radius measured in the four cardinal 
directions, species, and GPS positioning. A Corvallis Alto GPS 
was used as a base station continuously downloading 
differential data on a computer while a Corvallis MC-GPS 
served as the mobile unit to position trees. Three hundred 
epochs were obtained for each GPS point allowing for a 
maximum error after differential correction that does not exceed 
three meters for most trees. 
Creation of the Canopy Height model 
The Canopy Height Model (CHM) was obtained by subtracting 
the interpolated terrain altitudes from the interpolated canopy 
altitudes. Triangulated irregular network (TIN) interpolation of 
the X,Y,Z points was converted into a 50 cm resolution grid 
using Surfer 6.04. 
A TIN interpolation assumes that altitudes vary linearly 
between points, a fact that is not necessarily observed in reality. 
However, the choice of a different interpolation model would 
have to rely on appropriate knowledge of the three-dimensional 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
geometry of the canopy in the case of the vegetation, which can 
vary with species and was not available. An outlook of future 
research presented at the end of this paper discusses this matter 
further. Subsequent work will compare interpolation 
alternatives for the terrain hits in their ability to better tree 
height predictions by providing a more accurate description of 
terrain altitudes. The three stages of the creation of the CHM 
are presented in Figure 1. 
Multispectral image registration 
The multispectral imagery was rectified to allow for accurate 
overlay on the CHM. A minimum of five control points were 
acquired for each 740 x 540 pixel multispectral images (approx. 
370 m x 270 m) covering areas corresponding to ground tree 
measures sites. These control points were obtained by visually 
matching the center of small tree crowns that could be 
recognized on the CHM and the corresponding crowns found in 
the multispectral imagery. On both types of imagery, the 
control points were positioned at the center of the crown. The 
multispectral images were rectified by cubic convolution 
resampling guided by a first order polynomial. The resulting 
RMS residues of the polynomial are typically between one and 
two meters. The fact that the raw multispectral images were 
acquired in zoom mode (narrow view angle), yielding quasi- 
orthographic images, helped in achieving low RMS. After 
rectification, the multispectral images were overlaid on the 
CHM allowing for 2D and 3D rendering (figure 2). A total of 
40 images were rectified. All image processing operations were 
carried out using ER-Mapper 5.5 software. 
ground position to image position 
Tree location on the imagery was established either by marking 
the tree on a printout of the multispectral imagery based on 
observations made during the ground survey, or by plotting a 
differentially corrected GPS point on the imagery. The first 
method is unpractical in that it asks for extreme care in visually 
matching trees observed in the field to trees appearing on the 
printouts. Trees near a lakefront can be identified after careful 
examination, but trees a few dozen meters from the lakefront 
and further can only be identified by progressing from one 
outstanding tree to another, thus rendering walking in the forest 
a very slow and tiring process. The other method of locating 
trees used GPS technology. The X, Y coordinates of each tree 
was plotted on the laser and rectified multispectral imagery. 
The color of the tree (that relates to species) and the crown 
diameters in the four cardinal directions (describing crown 
shape and size) Were used as collateral data to insure that the 
correct tree was identified by the GPS approach. In some 
instances, a tree having the correct color and shape could not be 
identified with certainty within a 5 meter radius of the GPS 
point because two or more candidate trees with similar 
characteristics were present in the vicinity of the plotted GPS 
point. These trees were discarded from the study to avoid error. 

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