Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

a, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
> to find the difference between 
and the underlying interpolated 
rve the preciseness of raw laser 
nitation, we chose the simpler 
vements in the near future will 
data for vegetation and using a 
round laser points. 
pectral videography (initially in 
) the laser altimetry images 
) overlay on the Canopy Height 
ned between ground-measured 
ight on. The mean of the two 
Id for these trees was regressed 
ht read from the CHM for 36 
wood). The linear model yielded 
-0.01). The scatter of points in 
linear trends, an observation that 
iat the linear model fit gave the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
best results. The predictive model (true height from laser 
height) is given by: 
Mean ground truth height = 4.24 + 0.91 * laser height (1) 
20 d Ha 
*2 n 
= n n 
= 15 Eon 
E Pa 
o po 
5 : 
10 a 
n a 
o na? 
5 uir f 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 
Mean ground-truth height (m) 
Figure 3 - Comparison of mean ground-truth heights with laser 
Error assessment 
Tree heights predicted by the linear regression model in Figure 
3 were compared to the mean of the two ground measurements, 
yielding an absolute difference of 1.42 m with a standard 
deviation of 1.15 m. The average relative error is 11 % with a 
standard deviation of 9 %. The average difference between the 
two eround measurements for each tree is 1.52 m (SD), and the 
relative error (the absolute difference between the two ground 
measurements divided by the average of the two measurements) 
is 10% (SD = 8%). The data thus suggests that after the laser 
absolute measurements of tree height are corrected by a linear 
model, the laser prediction have an accuracy comparable to that 
of ground measurements. Caution must be used in interpreting 
these results since the number of trees is relatively small. Also, 
“truc” tree height, or tree height measured with, say, a 
centimetric accuracy is unknown. Rather, the accuracy of the 
laser predicted heights is evaluated from error—ridden ground- 
truth data. The R? of equation 1 would probably be higher if the 
error associated with ground measurements could be reduced. A 
manual photogrammetic approach will be tested in trying to 
alleviate this problem. Moreover, the comparison of the level of 
laser-predicted height errors relative to the level of ground 
errors is only indicative since the error source cannot be 
established with certainty. If most of the error was eventually 
attributed to ground measures, and R? proven to be higher, the 
use of laser predictions could then be considered as being of 
higher accuracy than ground measures. 
The main factors determining accuracy of raw laser 
measurements, and thus of the prediction of tree height are 
believed to be laser spot density relative to crown surface and 
laser penetration in vegetation. Indeed, the correlation between 
Crown surface (obtained by modeling the crown as a circle and 
by using the average of the four crown radii measured on the 
ground) and relative laser tree height prediction error is —0.76. 
This indicates that the probability of a laser hit falling directly 
on the tree top (maximum height) is directly proportional to the 
crown projected surface. However, even trees that were well 
covered by laser hits, such as large hardwoods, gave a raw laser 
height estimate that was systematically lower than ground 
measured height, i.e. often two to three meters less than true 
height. Light penetration in the first layers of leaves or needles 
is the most probable explanation for the fact that laser raw 
heights are systematically lower than ground heights. For 
example, when the height of a conifer is measured, the top of 
the tree is defined as the tip of the highest branch. The volume 
of needles and branches in the tip of the tree is very low and 
does not constitute a very good interceptor of light, even in the 
case of a very small footprint falling exactly on the center of the 
tree. This also applies to the somewhat ragged tree top surface 
of hardwoods. The first return from the top of the tree probably 
comes from a level lower than the height that is measured on 
the ground. Moreover, our study area is located in an old forest. 
The forest floor is often covered by dense regeneration growing 
across numerous debris such as fallen branches or trees, 
boulders and rotten tree trunks. Even in the field, the ground 
level is in some cases difficult to see. Therefore, it is safe to 
assume that the last return could come from objects above true 
ground level. 
The shape of the crown, determined by species, can 
theoretically influence the probability that the laser beam hits at 
a level close to the maximum tree height simply because the 
hardwoods have a much more rounded crown top. However, 
when absolute and relative error are compared by hardwood 
versus softwood categories using ANOVA, no statistically 
significant differences are revealed. This conclusion must be 
interpreted with caution since only 8 hardwood trees and 14 
softwood trees were used in this analysis. Finally, the TIN 
interpolation and the conversion from a TIN to a grid could also 
induce some errors. Indeed, the height of a grid cell normally 
corresponds to that of the center point of the grid cell projected 
on the TIN rather than the maximum TIN height observed 
inside the grid cell. Since the apex of trees defines a convex 
shape, the center point of any grid cell covering the apex of the 
tree will most probably be projected at a lower level than the 
maximum height observed in that cell. 
By comparing tree height measured on the ground with tree 
height measured by a small foot print high density airborne 
lidar, we observe that the accuracy of laser measurements show 
an accuracy comparable to that of ground measurements. The 
errors can be mostly attributed to the size of the crown since 
larger crown have a higher probability of being hit at a level 
close to that of maximum tree height. Many improvements are 
considered: increasing the number of tree in the sample, using a 
better algorithm for interpolating ground points and preserving 
the raw first return altitude instead of using the gridded version. 
Also, we are looking at fitting three dimensional models of tree 
crowns (ellipsoid, cones and bullet shaped solids) to laser first 
returns to try to better capture maximum tree height and to 

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