Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

Figure 1: A hill shaded view of the terrain model. 
time being it is still a costly technique which is not feasible for 
large areas; but the technological development may soon bring 
new systems which allow to fly higher, and to have greater point 
density across track, so that it may be economically possible to 
have frequent laser scanner flights for large areas. 
1.2 Test site and data 
As test site the research forest of the Vienna University of 
Agricultural Sciences was used. The forest is positioned 
approximately 60 km south of Vienna in hilly terrain with 
elevations ranging from 350 to 750 m above sea level. The 
vegetation is typical for central Europe. More details can be 
found in (Rieger, 1999). 
A laser scanner flight was taken during winter time (leafless 
period) with last reflected pulse recorded. This flight is necessary 
in order to obtain a high quality ground model. From that model 
roads can be delineated as is shown in section 2. The same flight 
may be used to create digital surface models which include the 
building surfaces. The difference between the surface and the 
ground models is used to extract buildings in the way described in 
section 3. Here, summer flights were used instead of the winter 
flight since they were available for the test site. The results may 
even be better if the surface model is derived from the winter 
Digital terrain models (DTM) generated from laser points can be 
rather detailed due to a huge number of measured points. Despite, 
break lines in the terrain appear smoothed, unless they have been 
introduced into the DTM interpolation. Usually, these break lines 
are digitised manually in a stereo plotter. In this work we tried to 
extract forest roads in mountainous areas from the DTM in order 
to introduce them in a new DTM interpolation. Such roads are cut 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
Figure 2: Slope model with position of detailed windows. 
in the hill slope, so that in the resulting DTM, the road sides must 
appear as sharp breaks. 
First a digital terrain model with a grid width of 20 x 20 cm! is 
calculated using only the laser ground points by applying a robust 
estimator with a skew error distribution function in the program 
system SCOP (Pfeifer et al., 1999). Figure 1 shows a hill shaded 
map of the terrain. The digital terrain model is used for the 
creation of a digital slope model which provides the first 
derivative of elevation. At each grid point, the elevation angle of 
the surface normal (“steepness”) is given in that model. This 
slope model is converted into a digital image, where the grey- 
levels represent the steepness of the terrain (figure 2). As no 
break lines have been considered yet in interpolating the DTM, a 
rather smooth slope model is produced with wide transition zones 
between flat areas and steep areas. 
The images show two narrow roads in a mountainous, forested 
area. Figure 3 draws two profiles perpendicular to the roads. Up 
to four break lines may be detected. Beginning at the left side, the 
first break is between the hillside and the bank of the road (only 
in the right profile). At the two road sides the second and the third 
break appear. The fourth break is at the end of the ditch. Not all 
2 3 deii Y. ned 8 d 
Figure 3: Profiles perpendicular to roads. 
Figure 4: Two deta 
four break lines are sigr 
breaks at the road sides 
breaks. Figure 4 shows t 
of the profiles of figure 3 
and appear as bright 
surrounded by the road b 
As break lines in the teri 
in the surface normals, tl 
extraction algorithm t 
Unfortunately, standard 
short segments of break | 
Figure 5: Edges 
2.1 Edge Enhancement 
For achieving satisfying 
prepared by sharpening t 
based on the ideas of the 
used. The biased sigma 
enhancing smoothing filt 
the new grey-level value 
by calculating two meas 
neighbouring pixels. Thos 
have a grey-level value ir 
value of the central pi: 
deviation © of the image

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