Full text: Mapping surface structure and topography by airborne and spaceborne lasers

The results of classification have to be thinned out. Points are 
found at the positions of relative maxima of texture strength in the 
point regions. Line pixels are relative maxima of texture strength 
in the direction of the gradient of the grey levels (Fuchs, 1995). 
Neighbouring line pixels have to be connected to line pixel 
streaks by an edge following algorithm. Finally, these streaks are 
to be thinned out and approximated by polygons. Both for line 
pixels and points, the co-ordinates are estimated with sub-pixel 
accuracy. The algorithm was also tested in an engineering 
surveying environment and gave promising results (Mischke et 
al., 1997). 
In the case of break line detection, we are only interested in 
extracting lines. However, the sound statistical background of the 
algorithm makes it quite applicable for our purposes. As in our 
case the grey levels represent the elevation angle of the surface 
normals, the first derivatives of the grey levels correspond to the 
changing rate of the terrain steepness, i.e. to the curvature of the 
terrain. The positions of maximum directed texture thus 
correspond to regions of maximum terrain curvature, and the 
thinned-out regions (the results of edge extraction) correspond to 
break lines in the terrain model. 
This approach for extraction of break lines contains a 
simplification because we only use the elevation angle of the 
surface normal as an input for edge extraction. Actually, the 
elevation can be derived by both co-ordinate directions, and a 
more sophisticated way of detecting edges has to make use of 
both derivatives. For example, the input could be stored as a 
digital image containing two bands, each band corresponding to 
the first derivative of the terrain in one of the co-ordinate 
directions. Geometrically, our simplification means that we can 
not detect break lines between flat terrain regions with equal 
steepness but different slope directions. Such break lines typically 
appear at symmetrical ridges. As we are especially interested in 
extracting roads and because with respect to roads there are no 
symmetric ridges, our simplification does not influence the results 
of edge extraction with respect to our goals. 
2.4 Semi-Automatic Extraction by Snakes 
Still, some of the detected lines are broken, and separated 
segments appear. Snakes can be used for bridge gaps and deriving 
longer segments (Kass et al., 1988). They are commonly used as 
semi-automatic line extraction tool in digital images. It is the task 
of an operator to provide an approximation of the edge to be 
extracted by some seed points. Then the snakes try to detect the 
exact edge location automatically by minimising an energy 
functional. By this energy functional, a balance between internal 
forces (enforcing a smooth shape of the curve) and image forces 
(pulling them to salient image features such as edges) is reached. 
Gaps in the image edges are bridged in a smooth way by 
emphasising the internal terms of the energy functional. For the 
specific task of extracting parallel road sides, an extension to the 
snakes concept, the twin snakes approach can be used (Kerschner, 
1998). This method is less sensitive to the approximation of the 
position and shape and has some potential for full automation for 
this task. First investigations show promising results. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, Part 3W14, La Jolla, CA, 9-11 Nov. 1999 
2.5 Results of Automatic Break Line Extraction 
Figure 7 shows the resulting break lines. Compared with the lines 
in figure 5 they seem smoothed and connected to longer 
segments. This is the merit of the biased sigma filter. The heights 
of the extracted break lines have to be derived from the original 
laser data. 
Figure 7: Edges extracted from the pre-processed slope model. 
For an accuracy analysis of the break lines extracted from the 
preliminary DTM, we compared them with geodetically measured 
break lines. Thereby we found out that the whole terrain model 
had a systematic shift of 2 m in y-direction and 1.2 m in x- 
direction (figure 8, left). The reason was an insufficient geo- 
referencing of the original laser points because of lack of suitable 
control features. The extracted road sides compared to the 
measured ones could be used to determine the shift. After 
correcting the geo-reference of the DTM the extracted break lines 
are very close to the manually measured road sides (figure 8, 
right). The roads are found with the correct width while the banks 
seem to be wider. The reason for this is that the edges of the roads 
are much sharper defined than the edges of the banks. Even 
during the terrestrial recording it was difficult to determine the 
edges of the banks. The discrepancies lie in the range of 1-2 m, 
which is smaller than the definition accuracy of these lines in 
Figure 8: Comparison between terrestrially measured and 
automatically detected road edges before and after correcting the 
In the end we derive a new DTM from both the laser point cloud 
and the break lines, and a geomorphologically revised digital 
terrain model can be obtained. 
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Figure 1( 

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